Lloyd Musey

Is it Mr. Clean?

Good heavens, yes.

There's a SNL sketch that involves aging boxers or something where he plays Hector "Macho Man" Camacho for two or three seconds. Super funny. Also, Chris Rock, as a retired, addled boxer uses the phrase "Sazzle-fazzle, I want some sausage. Sazzle-fazzle, I want some eggs."

The 'Harvest' and 'Harvest Moon' albums moved a lotta copies.

Mercy sakes, looks like we got ourselves a Con-Joy!

Your early morning ramminess is an inspiration to us all.

Doctor Poison: Well, look what the cat dragged in! If it isn't Wonder Woman. Didn't anyone ever tell you it's bad to be good?

I remember those wistful summer days growing up on Howard Inlet. The fishing was good, but the chowder was bad.

I also liked it. I get to most movies long after their release, and then come back to the reviews and comments boards here. A lot of comments were dismissive of Interstellar. It was an exciting, quite beautiful astronaut adventure with a parental heartbeat. Seemed like a lot of the commentariat was looking to have

On behalf of my avatar, and myself, I am against this development. Wholefartedly.

It's been well over two decades, and I only played it once, but if that dusty so-and-so popped up on my television screen, I'd snap to attention and holler, "Yes, my Gatekeeper!", Pavlov-style.

Not gonna lie, if they set the full trailer to some manner of darkened, genuinely good version of "Wind Beneath My Wings", with lots of slow-mo shots and danger throughout, I'd be first in line.

There are nine Ernest movies. And Jim Varney is a saint.

Some hugs.

The only Rellik I'll ever need is from The Beachcombers, thank you very much.

Yeah, I didn't even mention Rowsdower out of respect.

It's more or less the same as yours, just with striped footballs, boozier relatives, and a deeper urgency that comes with the knowledge that the dark, cold 8-month winter will be soon upon us.

CanCon and everything. Thanks, impromptuJ.

Happy Thanksgiving, people of the United States of America, even though you're over a month late. Up here north of the 49th we'll be twiddling our thumbs politely and waiting for this delightful website to get back to work. For the record, I'm genuinely thankful for all facets of this website.