Lloyd Musey

The evening news. Ugh. It just goes on and on. Every day.

Yes. A hundred times, yes. My favourite reference in years. Thank you, Drips.

We finally really did it! You MANIACS! You blew it up! Damn you! Damn you all to Hell!

Oh the water's so deep on the river of Jordan
And the light shines so bright from heaven above
And the midnight is past, a new day is dawning
Oh the great ship will anchor in the harbor of love.

Gone With the Pope is all the pope-centric entertainment I'll be needing, thank you.

Conforms to Cancon regulations. Approved.

I've never seen this game, but I've seen the house it bought me.

20 GOTO 10

I saw the same topic (nuclear tests, generations carrying in progressive genetic horror) covered in a Vice documentary, and I haven't unseen it yet.

To make the boy stop his hijinx, simply eat one of the darts after being shot, chewing demonstrably.

Best thread in a long while, everyone. Mr. Petroskey, you've made my day. Thank you. And now I have to go dig through the sealed box of old shirts I've been saving for my children, just to see if they're okay. The shirts, not the children.

I don't know nothin' 'bout any hyboid gland, but what a blimp. No shit.

While he's a guy who doesn't need me to defend him, Tom Scharpling is being unnecessarily vilified on this site's comment boards for correctly pointing out that one of Billy Crystal's routines is terrible.

Wait, whaaaaaaaat?

Come for the Major Dad. Stay for the disappointments.

Sorry, I meant "shint".

And now I'm that guy…

Odd and surreal to say the least. Byner used to host/star in a comedy sketch show called Bizarre in the 80s.  Reconciling my memories of slapstick and nearly undressed ladies with what Phil was putting down was pretty dissonant.

Any idea where that video is clipped from?  That's John Byner in the beginning listening to the rock.  Never expected that.

Which is good.