Afternoon Delight

Ooh, burn! You must have a degree in sitcom weather AND derision. Clever you.

And both leap birthdays were ruined. Poor Sue.

Wow. Gear down professor. Just a question about the weather. Wasn't expecting a lecture in TV climate, but thanks. You win?

Uh, no. Chatswin, however, is set in NY state, an actual place with actual weather. Croquet in the middle of the school year fucks with my head a bit.

I'm sure someone has asked before, but I can't find anything: What is up with the weather in Chatswin? Is it a device for the show for summer to reign eternal in this magical land, or has someone been too preoccupied with cute, cherry print mini dresses to notice that the rest of the East coast is freezing to death?

Yup. I think they managed to cram every offensive act and name related to a woman in 5 minutes of brutally awkward crap. Maybe they were hoping to distract us from the horrible Jewish stereotypes? FAIL on all accounts. And not even a Three Stooges head bonk for those two little snots. Come on!

Feeling tired after his one
I feel like the show is getting a little overloaded with characters and plot lines. Or at least the direction and editing of this episode had me feeling that way. We're bouncing around from scene to scene so quickly that I can never really get into a storyline. I miss the drawn-out scenes