
How about "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears?  We can all sing along.

How about "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears?  We can all sing along.

I don't really care what an adult AV Club hipster douche bag writer thinks about these two films.  My young son watched both at least 50 times and loved them and I have seen both at least 20 times and I like them still.  "Down Under" is both funny and creepy-scary at the same time.  And as others have commented : 

I don't really care what an adult AV Club hipster douche bag writer thinks about these two films.  My young son watched both at least 50 times and loved them and I have seen both at least 20 times and I like them still.  "Down Under" is both funny and creepy-scary at the same time.  And as others have commented : 

Jesse Jackson is probably best described as the last true "Shakedown Artist" to run for President.  The presidential dream quickly died but the shaking continues to this day.

Jesse Jackson is probably best described as the last true "Shakedown Artist" to run for President.  The presidential dream quickly died but the shaking continues to this day.

I bought Bad Religion's "Recipe for Hate" and "Stranger Than Fiction" CD's before I ever heard anything by Green Day.  When I finally heard some Green Day stuff they simply seemed to be Bad Religion "wanna-be's" so I never bothered to listen to any more of their stuff.  (But I do love those two Bad Religion Cd's.)

I bought Bad Religion's "Recipe for Hate" and "Stranger Than Fiction" CD's before I ever heard anything by Green Day.  When I finally heard some Green Day stuff they simply seemed to be Bad Religion "wanna-be's" so I never bothered to listen to any more of their stuff.  (But I do love those two Bad Religion Cd's.)

We can't bring up "Action League NOW!" and "KaBlam" without mentioning the fab "Prometheus and Bob".  When will it return to my TV screen?

We can't bring up "Action League NOW!" and "KaBlam" without mentioning the fab "Prometheus and Bob".  When will it return to my TV screen?

What about "I'm a Danger to Myself and Others"?  Any song that ends with a big "splosion" is OK by me.

On his Fab CD "Classic Snatches from Europe" Kinky mentions between songs that he was once asked by a big Hollywood exec who he could see playing himself in a movie.  The Kinkster pondered a bit and answered—Lionel Ritchie.

On his Fab CD "Classic Snatches from Europe" Kinky mentions between songs that he was once asked by a big Hollywood exec who he could see playing himself in a movie.  The Kinkster pondered a bit and answered—Lionel Ritchie.

While visiting Chicago in May I bought a used biography of Gram Parsons in Reckless Records.  It is at home and I don't remember the author's name, but he was a Brit who spent 10 years researching and interviewing people who had known Gram.  I believe the book was published in England since the price on the back was

While visiting Chicago in May I bought a used biography of Gram Parsons in Reckless Records.  It is at home and I don't remember the author's name, but he was a Brit who spent 10 years researching and interviewing people who had known Gram.  I believe the book was published in England since the price on the back was

Zorak — "The life of a rodeo clown is a painful and solitary existence.  I know — For I am a rodeo clown."
Space Ghost — "Oh you are not!"
Zorak — "Am so!"
Space Ghost — "You are not."
Zorak — "Well  .  .  .  I wanna' be a rodeo clown."
Space Ghost — "That doesn't count."

Zorak — "The life of a rodeo clown is a painful and solitary existence.  I know — For I am a rodeo clown."
Space Ghost — "Oh you are not!"
Zorak — "Am so!"
Space Ghost — "You are not."
Zorak — "Well  .  .  .  I wanna' be a rodeo clown."
Space Ghost — "That doesn't count."

In the very first paragraph John Semley reveals his cluelessness about the British punk scene when he describes Johnny Rotten as being "the archetype of the sneering British punk wagging a middle finger at government, religion, and anything else daft".  I have never even been to England and I still know that sneering

In the very first paragraph John Semley reveals his cluelessness about the British punk scene when he describes Johnny Rotten as being "the archetype of the sneering British punk wagging a middle finger at government, religion, and anything else daft".  I have never even been to England and I still know that sneering

I once had my Mother write down her secret chocolate chip cookie recipe (which was passed down from her mother) and send it to me.  The secret ingredient was chopped up Pecans.  Yum!  Also—About halfway through the adding and mixing of various cookie fixins' in the bowl the instructions said:  "Add 1 tablespoon of Hot