Prison Wine

@ CN: They sent his butt home, so I didn't get to experience the post-suicide attempt awkwardness. He took some time off and came back to school, and ended up doing very well. So, happy ending I guess. We still keep in touch.


Roommate Horror Stories.
Anyone got any good ones? My roommate freshman year of college tried to kill himself. I found this guy basically foaming at the mouth on our bathroom floor next to a barely legible note telling me he was sorry and that I could have his stuff.

I don't understand why this is being released independently of Watchmen. Strictly fanboy baiting? Did I hear something about TOTBF being included with the feature once it comes out on DVD? These are questions I don't have answers to.

Nathan's Twitter feed consisted of, if I'm not mistaken, nothing but updates on whether or not Rob Schneider had been brutally raped.

Make sure that goes on my tombstone, Hip Hopster.

I say we put him on a Judas Chair, let a chimp have a go at his junk, kick him through a plate glass window, set his hair on fire, kill his family in front of him, and then serve him seared cancer covered in a rich BearnAIDS sauce.

dying in an ebolaids cancerfire doesn't seem adequate for this dude.

Jeff Dunham has taken a big steaming dump and made it into an empire.

It's tremendous!

He did some legit acting in this episode. I was really impressed.

I thought she was a dead woman for sure. That telephone message from Adelle and what happened afterward sent chills up my spine.

This was great TV.
Had Whedon's stamp on it for sure. I'm 100% sold now.

That's okay, lovemydog. I can't bowl worth shit.


Special Olympics.
Mr. President, I know many retards, and they're all fine bowlers. You should've said you bowl like a woman.

Anal Mouse Trap.

It's anticipation. Sir Sean is fixin' to play the rusty trombone.


And that's not a pool boy. It's JFK Jr., and Connery symbolizes Death creeping up behind him. "My Husband, Death," 1998. Oil on canvas.