J telling CeCe "Bitch you ain't my friend just cuz you're brown" broke my heart
J telling CeCe "Bitch you ain't my friend just cuz you're brown" broke my heart
It seems to me the reviewer grades more on the basis of what is going to happen next? Instead of grading the actual content of the episode.
Also, tv is not all about 'shipping.
I wonder if the grades for each episode will change for her once the season is completed
Apart from that, this is the best new show on tv by far.
I've been paying extra attention to sitcom season finales this year to see if I could find any Arrested Development references, especially from single camera ones and I finally got one. Thanks Modern Family!
Have a little faith! It's just TV experimentation, just like the best episodes of Community or the new season of Arrested Development. To mix things up a bit could be interesting. Just wait for the writers to write and watch the end result
My whole brain is crying! That was bad, oh so very bad
When are writers gonna learn that dreams and season/series finales don't mix? The only way a dream episode could be good for this show would be an inception type episode in which you see the world through the eyes of each of the characters as you go deeper and…
well, Iiiii liked it! Although I'm from Spain and we are not mexicans or play mexican music or have mariachi bands
And I took that last scene as Ted finally letting go and being a good friend to Barney, I don't think he is going to try to win her over again. I get that the ending would suck if you saw it as a…
i just felt that the lyrics weren't as inspired as they could've been, as in abed's uncontrollable christmas ("Britta Bot…") and the puppets could have had moving eyelids because it seems like the only way jeff expressed emotion was by moving his eyebrow, and I think some of the secrets were just stupid.
the end tag reminded me of the cheers "we will rock you" cold open
It was really good :)
yeeep me too!
yep, it was.
They´ve been killing it this second half season. It almost makes you forget seasons 6, 7 and half 8! LOL, with a few exceptions of course (symphony of illumination (L))
I disagree with papal securities missing the mark, I think it was even more hilarious than Djesus Uncrossed
The whole pogoes storyline reminds me a lot of how i met your mother's "Spoiler Alert" episode