
Will it have
a third act? 'Cause Winter's Bone didn't. Would've made two good TV episodes though.

I imagine that quite an entertaining mini-series could be produced from the biography of her creator.

I'm hoping that their awfulness is the final part of a trend that ends with those sorts of shows/movies being cancelled or not picked up in the first place.

Hopefully this signals the end of the worst trend in modern american film and television - mass production of incredibly dull, unintelligent superhero dreck. (Last Batman movie excepted.)

Taken just raped you, ZMF.

Link please!

or Warf, did he make an appearance? How about the P'Kard? Was is warfit?

The choice of Austria's finest
Two and a half men is Josef Fritzl's favorite show:

Assayas's Carlos
Is TV Club going to be reviewing this? It's a bit better than SNL …

Agreed, I only made it through 20 minutes. Network trash complete with annoying music.

Is it playing? If so, any chance of a review?

I brought thrills, not deadly, deep vein thrombosis inducing boredom.

Emma Thompson
One of history's great inducers of groans on long haul flights.

Aleksey Vayner
Ah, not a particularly endearing fellow …

Liam Neeson - fucking owns in Taken.

Next week's episodes
"Q Who?" - pretty classic stuff.

I saw Ice Pirates with my mom at a small beach town theatre when I was a kid. It was awesome. That is all.

Dude you've got to bust him out!

This works out better for everyone than that last big petition they put together for a director …