
The movie was shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. The book is worth reading.

The Thousand Dreams of Stellavista is a long time favourite.

Zodiac Mother Canuk?
He sounds like a bit of a Canadian.

Bring out the a**holes on an American website - post something about dance music. Chicago house was important in the development of electronic music. There are lots of different flavors of house music, try not to be an ignorant dick about all of them just because you've only heard a tiny selection of the music …

She looks like she is wearing a fat suit now. It's really rathering jarring in such a well produced show.

According to Wikipedia, "Klug opposed the federal drinking age, believed alcohol regulation should be a matter left to individual states, and advocated the revocation of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act." And that is an attitude I highly approve of, provided the age is lowered to at 18 or below.

Too late, Riff, they're already "ironically" using it over at Gawker.

nothing keeping them in their cluttered Colorado home
Like jobs and stuff.

Even the liquor bottles in the Team America lair bar were spot on. You could pick out all the diferent vodka brands etc.

The Dolphins?

do adults enjoy Pixar films? An honest question - I can't stand them.

The moray eel being part of Weaver was pretty cool too.

@Keith Phipps:

Hey enfamous, that screw on connector is called a luer-lok. FYI.

The Cortexifan thing reminded a lot of Dr Paul Ruth's RIPE program in scanners.

Thanks for posting that, Danrimage. The show is TERRIBLE, and that so many English people like it appalls me.