toast chortle

So what's the over/under…
…on Gary getting himself offed by season's end? Getting back in the shit with Wynn Duffy, after everything that happened in "Hatless"? I used to feel bad for Gary, but he's truly not that smart. Awesome to have Duffy back at any rate.

For a half second…
I thought the headline said "Michael Crichton," upon which I got really excited.

Not exactly the loquacious type.

Thought this episode was nearly perfect.
That scene in the diner was both tense and hilarious.

"I used to shoot rats as a kid. Used to chase 'em outta the shithouses. ALls you have to do is go in the kitchen, huh?"

Team Mittens. If you're Team Gigglesworth, it means we're sworn enemies for the rest of the semester - which means I'll steal your new sparkly lip gloss! HA!

That's *the GREAT* Nosferatufest.

Check it out!
If you dim the lights, it actually looks like sundown. If you REALLY dim the lights, your cell mate starts to look like a chick.

I hope there are some more scenes where they talk about balls and shit.

Nothing that occurs during the Super Bowl will ever be able to compare to Bruce Springsteen running at full sprint and powersliding balls-first into the camera.

Eh, not for me.
I don't like it when beavers "emote."

I saw it.
It's a lion.