Officer MacCruiskeen

Emma Stone
Oh my god, she has glasses, a pony tail, and a baggy t-shirt. WHAT MAN WOULD WANT HER NOW???

I'm going to do the unthinkable and say on the AV club something good about Affleck and a Kevin Smith movie in one post.

Too many easy firsties available.

I enjoyed Be Kind Rewing quite a bit. I'm just some dude on the internets, but I've recomended it to a lot of people who have liked it. It is very sweet without being overly sentimental.

This is Probably Wishful Thinking But…
If and when you expand to other cities would you be doing any kind of hiring of colorful and loyal locals who are willing to work for Simpsons references scribbled on napkins by a hung over Nathan Rabin?

Really sucks the life out of this movie for me. His "character" is just a bunch of affectations that are supposed to add up to "Sell-Out Black Guy." I also hate the notion that a black guy who uses big words and acts like a nerd is somehow forgetting where he came from or selling out his race. Black people

I went for the easy "my dad is a fat alcoholic" joke here, but in all fairness the only reason I know who Tony Clifton is because of my dad. He even got me that book Zmuda wrote about his time with Kaufman.

Milos tries so hard to be a good workerman, but refridgimator is so messy, so messy.

Who Will Walk the Walkmen?

That's Pretty Badass
That they let them spend all that money making and promoting the film before bringing this shit up.

Your Dad
Nabin, your dad sounds like quite the badass. Out until 2:30 drinking and watching Tony Clifton? And with a walker no less?

Caller: Where are these items?
Sol: They're in the attic.
Caller: Ok, and where is that located?
Sol: In the top of my house, near the roof.

i'm sure he's crying.

Maybe I was too busy making sure my fiance was still alive, but I remember terrorism being mentioned in connection with our goddamn bridge falling down exactly zero times.

Jerky Boys
Yeah, they are probably the most immature of all the groups you've gone over, and yeah their movie was awful, but some of their stuff is high quality. Sol Rosenberg is an excellent character and some of the earliest stuff had a great absurdist quality like the model telling the talent agent he dipped

Stop Pummeling me with your Firsts, Keith?
Very subtle Rabin, very subtle.


I meant through the head, not hat.

not the version they did when i was in college when dude playing picasso got in a shoving match with the director and decided to spite the production by showing up stoned every day. that guy was me, and that production was terrible.

Arrow through a hat.
Best gag ever?