
And there's the one where some guy kidnaps Kimberly (why) and Arnold and Arnold at one point tries to escape. Or maybe that was Webster and his mom.

We should never forget man's desire to fuck aquatic life.

James listens to ironic metal and plays with swords.

Melle Mel

Kanye says same thing, gets A grade and glowing reviews.

I won't believe that until Klostermann writes a 5,000 word essay about it.

Music "critics" fawn over them because they are afraid the band won't patronizingly talk to them anymore.


They thought about calling the cops when somebody at a house party they were throwing stole a Slint album from them. Turned out it wasn't their album in the first place.


Karen El$on. See, that's better

How do you stop 5 black guys from raping a white woman?
You throw a curling stone at them!


I like Nas' pronunciation: Gay-Z

I don't speak Midwest honky jive

Real men like Hagar? What fucking planet is this guy from? (whisper in ear) Oh, Michigan. Now I get it.

I must say that I was a little skiddish about "The Terror" but it is very much a Flaming Lips album in that it is the natural progression from "Embryonic" which I found to be a far more exciting album than even "Soft Bulletin"
Somehow they made "The Terror" work when it sounds like it shouldn't.

Thank you for the Pitchfork (the band) shoutout! Probably the most overlooked album of 1990 was "Eucalyptus."

Kanye is full of shit but, hey white people, keep buying it. Fucker buys expensive clothes and blood diamonds so he should learn what the fuck he is talking about before trying to preach. White man getting paid? He should ask Jigga who gets paid when that Roc-A-Wear shit gets sold and what slum in Asia the Roc-A-Wear

His craft being hide his weak-shit rhymes behind a bunch of beats produced by the best producers money can buy? Yep, he's done good in that field, man.