
To question his lyrics is ridiculous? Wow, worship rich people much?

I liked the scene with the partners because it allowed the viewer to look at Don from the partners' view and, by extension really, be on their side. Everybody agrees that it is probably best for Don/Dick to take some time off and get his shit together or at least try to. It was the Draper Intervention for the partners

Somewhere Noah Wylie is saying "Been there, done it better."

Tink Tank Tonk West

A.V. Club calls the name a brilliant artistic statement. Grade: A

Am I supposed to be impressed by a fucking Rolling Stone review? I'm sure it was some 22-year-old intern who doesn't know shit about music in general who reviewed it.

His whole career is ripping off others and then getting stupid white suburban guys to drool all over it because they just started listening to hip-hop and they don't want to be called a "hater."

Sorry, neither Kanye nor LeBron will still hang out with you so your typing blowjob was a waste of time.

A.V. Club gives it an A. Calls it an early contender for an Oscar.

I still don't understand the crush that hipsters and record reviewers have on Kanye. If Lil' Wayne had made this album then he would have been crucified for misogyny and the album would've been given a C- at best. The first track is unlistenable. "Blood on the Leaves" sounds like the typical auto-tuned robot pop music

So Rick Rubin gets paid to nod to Jay-Z's bullshit "deep thoughts." Got it.

Ginsburg will get wheeled out of SC &P in a straightjacket.
Roger will quip about those creative types and then take a drag from a cigarette. Don will smirk and raise his eyebrows. Peter walks in on this, motions toward Ginsberg being wheeled out and says "What's all this about?" "Nothing," Don says to him before

Waaaah. Sorry, I didn't actually throw my money away on Fat Wreck Chord products. I wasted enough on Lookout.
They all looked and dressed the same from what I remember.
NUFAN's first 7-inch showed promise.

Or Don was the one on the floor of the lobby having a heart attack? And this is season really is a "life flash"

Don't forget his baptism in the Pacific he took while out in Cali the first time.

Part of the problem is that SCDPCGC is in a state of anarchy. No one is in charge and the only person who wants to take charge is Cutler who is a speed-freak fascist kinda like that guy with the weird moustache who ran Germany for a few years.

"He's just extremely bad at being happy, so he spends his time chasing The Thing he thinks will make him happy."

"… into another Lagwagon or No Use For A Name." Weren't they all the same band under different names?

I saw the first film in a theater with the worst sound system. Suffice to say I had no idea what they were mumbling about to one another and spent a majority of the 30 minutes in the theater rolling wine bottles down the aisle. Thumbs up for me.

A fictional writer who makes money from writing. How far-fetched can we get.