
Then she'd go wreck the car in Glenn's yard.

Note: Death hovers on the second floor.

Or he'll go fetch some more coffee for Pete.

I also feel that the main characters (all white) tried but couldn't conjure up the empathy they felt toward the JFK assassination not because of their jadedness toward the ongoing horrors but simply because most of the characters kinda are in the Harry camp of looking at blacks a certain way. I'm sure they had more of

Denise Richards is the Scarecrow

Starring Gerard Depardieu who unknowingly sleeps with his teenaged daughter while Tom Selleck unknowingly humps the family greyhound while Paulina Porskova unknowingly fucks her grandmother! Comedy ensues!

I remember when she rapes that guy on the beach on Melrose Place. I thought "Lucky guy." Nowadays I think I would call 9-1-1.

Queen Latifah or Monique as orphanage bitch because hip hop.

Nobody is going to want to go see this film. I'm surprised Jay-Z still has any money with ideas like this. He'd make billions if he'd release a film of his wife showering.

Morgan Freeman is president for life in movies. Got it?

Listen to it 12 years later and see if he pulled it off or if anything he put out in that period still holds up.

Portman was the Manic Pixie Annoying Fucking Bitch IIRC

Great! Now the urgent care centers across America can replace "Father of the Bride" in their waiting room DVD players.

What's with all that shit around the eyes? Is she hiding her eye herpes or something?

Can't she get money from the Bob Marley mellow drink empire? Hey Rohan, break off some for your babies' mama.

I remember Harry bitching about civil right marchers by saying something like "they always want something." Again, fuck Harry. I don't understand the love for that guy. Don cheating on his wife is less harmful than that asshole trying to whitewash Dow's image as a killer of Vietnamese.

Fuck Harry. That guy will end up coming up with some "Let's Support Nixon" variety show after Watergate starring the goddamn Osmonds. I hope the elevator goes on the fritz again and that no-talent asshole takes a plunge. Or at least a drunken Roger Sterling slaps him on the back right as the doors open.

Finally figured it out: Don is trying to fuck away his mom/whore issues by banging brunettes.

Oh I misread the criteria. I'll have to go with Boston's first album. Or Queen's Greatest Hits.

"You're Living All Over Me" by Dinosaur