
Oh my god, her last name was Dawes? AV Club has invaded Mad Men! Now we need Stan to say "canceraids"

I like the photo because it is obvious those fuckers have never touched vinyl in their lives.

Hyden is done with the Flaming Lips so all of us should be too.

It's phone numbah. Re-do.

And there you have it. All of this is taking place inside of Cosgrove from Accounts' head.

Didn't that G.I. who was getting hitched look and sound like a young Roger Sterling?

I hated Judd with a passion. Fuck that guy.

Have no idea but just pick a band that was fairly popular (Indie wise) in the early 90s that he didn't get to see or was too young to get into and he'll do a 1,000 word essay on how that group is overrated then he'll try to sell you on how Pennywise was more influential than Nirvana.

Trust me, if Hyden would have written that, it would have been way gentlier and somehow turned into a diatribe against Mudhoney or some shit.

And put his penis in Courtney Love … (wincing) way. to. go. Gavin.

Hyden probably doesn't either because he didn't get to see them in the early 90s. Wah. Instead, Jawbox is somehow better than Fugazi and on par with the Beatles.

Nah, Jim needed that big goofy nose like Tim had in the UK version.

You lost me at "The Decemberists' …"

And Spacehog, in a way

You didn't get the memo from Hyden I guess. Also, Nirvana is overrated and early Stone Temple Pilots is OK to like.

"This says we did a song for a Tom Cruise movie. Was our music in "Legend"?

In Soviet Union, lots of vodka drinks Hetfield.

Hyden would have chosen the Dawes flavored chips and then called the Monterey Jack Doritos overrated because he wasn't able to eat them back in 1991.

"Headwriter Phil" is my fav.

So, Talk Show is reuniting?