Stupid Fast

I might actually try their soup if I saw them bring sealed frozen bags to the pots up front. It's the big pots in the back that humans can, um, mess around with if so inclined that have me on a no restaurant soup ever policy.

1. Yes
2. Yes and he has asked me to take her off his hands. In front of her. Without a trace of mirth.

I think it's 60/40 she either digs it or has a good laugh which is how I'd like it to play out, either way. She has a grand sense of humor so I'm not too worried about coming across as a lech.

A gentle squeeze, then? I really think a conversation is a sure fire way to tank it with this one. I didn't get into it much with the original post, but she is a type that appreciates blunt and cringes at finesse.

Right, worst case scenario it's a momentarily lapse of reason that can be glossed over eventually, that's my thinking anyway - far better than a torturous and failed open conversation that ruins everything.

Damn….a long reply just got trash binned in a crash!
Appreciate the feedback, DR! to wit…
A: Yes. I realize it's a dunderheaded idea, the ass grab. Thing is, knowing her sense of humor, etc. I think I'll get either a shriek of laughter or interest, not shock or horror or repulsion. And really the shriek is an acceptable

I happen to need a pocket square for an upcoming thing, and "something a woman likes" fits my desired target audience, so I just got lost for a half hour or so checking out her recommendations.
Thanks, Becca James!

Hey! You said I was cool!

Yes, but his attractively-packaged stuff is really just some hard-packed Staten Island Schwag™ that's overpriced and under-performs.

Dear Mr. Dogg:

I hope not because Ishtar is HILARIOUS and a remake wouldn't be nearly as funny.

Why would you remake an already perfect movie?
Unless Freddie Mercury comes back to life and writes "Flash pt 2", I will never watch this on general principle alone.

I'm goin' hungryyy.

Exactly. Don't shoot the dog!

That's fine. But Turner & Hooch is a terrifically flawed masterpiece.

:lobs a 2 week old tomato at the mic stand:
eta: actually that wasn't too bad. i'd watch another 5-10 minutes maybe.

Barker is such a pro. "There is only one solution to this almost insoluble problem. I'm going to give you the prize. Get off the stage." :shoves organ winner contestant:
So good.

Just a perfect performance in St. Vincent, in fact, they should have used her more. And even that otherwise terrible Sandra Bullock movie is watchable because of her scenes.

I think it says there's a Hot Bukowski article on the cover too, but I am not sure, I had to look away before my head exploded.

Prince records got ME laid in the 80s.