Stupid Fast

You say that as if Al Bundy doesn't exist.

So much, yes. Searched "Punisher" as soon as the page loaded, just to see if anyone else remembered this.

Where's the Big John spin-off movie?

So much funny. If they're not raking in money from a movie within the next year, I'll eat my hat. *


Next you'll tell me that I really can't jump off a 900 ft cliff dressed as an orc or tauren and be fine if I land in water.

Not sure if this tops that, but it does come close; Around 1989, I dated an educated, successful business-woman who didn't know who Michael Jordan was when we shared an elevator in Vegas. "I don't follow sports," she said. Again, this was 1989. There were NO commercial breaks that didn't feature this man as he was

Where was this when I asked a girl to a Bowie concert years ago (his last stateside show, as it has turned out!) and she said "Who's David Bowie?" and asked me to sing one of his songs??

Never say goodbye!

This is the only reason I made a legit facebook page for the first time this past October. I figure it'll be more visited than my gravemarker.

The Rams feel differently.

You are correct, sir!

Been there! Three pieces of advice, learned from experience.

How about an extended vacation instead of a life-changing move that fills you with equal amounts of dread and optimism? A couple weeks near some green-blue water and cheap rum can really shake loose the cobwebs.

Legit was GREAT.

"One nacho, underpants, and the republicans for which they scam."

Dear HBO CEO of Tits:

Is that how you decide who gets the supporting male roles? Do you start at a dollar and go up? You should put that process on the bonus features.

Weird Al should be the villain in the next Batman MOVIE!

thank you.