Stupid Fast


How many gazebos do you shemales need?

I appreciated the attempt to warm me up as it was 12 degrees outside as the episode aired.
They can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned right now, though.


So Keaton's odds are pretty good, right?

I tried it non-Irish style, for once. I'm shaking like a leaf.

Warning: I downed two cups of coffee and blasted the two Low Culture tunes. I've got my cardio in for the day. I may need an ambulance.

I would watch Micheal Keaton breathe for an hour and a half. I would not want to watch him eat a Big Mac for a second.

Can Fox buy The Warriors too and put them in Escape from New York?
I really just want to watch the originals at the same time, mashed up into one mostly coherent movie.

Since Fox has it, what are the chances they hire Jordan Peele to do his Obama thing as The Duke?

Love these two. So much funny.

I knew I recognized Ricky Coogin from somewhere! I have several of the Crypt reprints…

They've been playing that turd on TV lately. I paid cash american dollars to see it once upon a time. Now when it's on, I can't look away, it's like watching a dumpster fire next to a fireworks warehouse.

I'm still suffering from vertigo or something from seeing Birdman from row 3 of the theater.


Hey Dik!
At 40, I was halfway through a 12 year cocoon, quite convinced it was permanent status, lacking divine intervention.

I asked Ms. Wafflicious the same thing in a pre-Christmas edition of this column. She said it's a big boat we're in and we haven't capsized yet.

No. 97 percent of my sex has occurred between October and December so clearly I got all yours and, and hopefully, you got my other months.
I've no idea who we see about this though.

GHMH - can we do shrooms together?

I just invented a fictitious hoverboard that can go 45 mph, is crash proof completely safe and guarantees the owner can put his out of his league hot girlfriend on it for a ride, and she will do favors of both baking and sexual nature to show her gratitude.