And Cyndi Lauper - Lou Albano = Time After Time
And Cyndi Lauper - Lou Albano = Time After Time
big macs in the old styro-foam containers
maybe strawberry lemonade
That has been a standard call out for the local news in the NYC area for over forty years. It is in fact completely serious and not a parody.
First to delete: that terrible awful movie that appeared to be about heckling but was really Jamie Kennedy making sad faces. Fool me once , shame on me but I now get to pretend it never happened.
I've never rooted for a tsunami before, is there a specific t-shirt or hat to wear?
Ron Swanson was recently photographed with a phone clipped to his belt, worn to the side. I took that to mean that it was now OK to do this, and immediately went out and purchased one. I have been wearing a belt-looped case like a dummy since Sunday.
I can imagine this - I'm not a wrestling fan but I'd probably have a big goofy smile meeting Foley…and then straining to keep it plastered there when Foley says, oh hey, you know Billy Corgan…
No of course not I'm not that stupid.
Vanilla fudge is an abonimation anyway.
To me, he resembles a Warthog.
Forced myself to watch it on netflix last week. (Don't misunderstand; seen before and loved it of course.)
I've always thought she was a crazy person who managed to channel her insanity into performing. This interview, in which she appears coherent and non-jabbering, has thrown cold water on my theory.
I have experienced have experienced physical and psychological trauma that has affected my earnings potential in the future as well as inhibit my ability to show more ideal 30yearolds my wang.
Who do I sue for missing out on my 30something employed Jewish gal?
but I don't like Alfred Molina! worst Doc Ock Ever!
:searches online directory to try to get appt with a possibly single doctor McFattypants:
I'm starting to kind of like this Kid Rock fella, and the fact that his music sounds more and more like Bob Seger with each new record doesn't actually hurt….
How do you think he got tits?
"She's the One" came out just as I screwed up and lost the best girlfriend I'd ever had…I don't think I listened to any other record for about 8 months. "Asshole" still kind of shakes me up if I let it.