Stupid Fast

wikipedia says :
Chester Bennington was born on March 20, 1976 to a nurse and a Phoenix police detective who worked with child sex abuse casesand took double shifts. He is of English descent. Bennington took interest in music at a young age, citing Depeche Mode and Stone Temple Pilots as early inspirationsand dreamed

My girlfriend lives in the Niagra Falls area, you wouldn't know her.

(passing by @Scrawler2:disqus with her arms outstretched…)


I still don't like the intro, the song is OK but I auto-ff to the 2 minute mark as soon as the next episode starts. It's ok, it's just too long.  Let's go!

I share your concerns, and anticipate disappointment, but I do like breasts, and don't mind cheap flashbacks.
Yes, she's good, but I don't like her character at all. I'm borderline not caring if they departed from the original material and threw her in the shoe for the remainder (halfway through) - I'd keep watching.

Am I an unfeeling human? I wanted to rocket-launch both of the visitors in that scene - and the "i'm sorry honey you're supposed to be my (mid)-wife, i'm going crazy too" excuse only cut for about a second before she went back into her own yucky selfishness. Not somewhat justified. Just  very self-obsessed (the

I thought I heard "this ain't OZ" at one point…but it did recall some of the good, delicious parts about OZ; the extremely interesting supporting characters, being introduced in flashbacks about their backstory, obviously; where OZ nailed that down in usually a single vignette, Orange stretches it out over a few

for once, the appellation may apply…

drink every time you imagine the PA biting his tongue

…and since that awesome fact (buying vs. renting) is not in this book, we should save our money for a kickstarter The Room 2 campaign right?
edited to add "awesome" and to change II to 2.

was the crew's unofficial motto "hey, the checks clear!" ?

As a long time Batman fanboy and Prince fan, I f-ing loved it, and still like most of the soundtrack too. And Keaton's still my favorite Bruce Wayne.

Maybe I just missed it, but it seemed to me they kept the fact that Costner was in the new Superman kinda movie quiet? Was he in any tv promos? Definitely didn't see in any print ads. Admittedly I didn't read a ton of pre-hype articles, but Why did I only hear that he was in the movie after a friend had seen it? Don't

when your country is famous for two things, and those two things are chocolate and waffles, you're in the running.

i will admit that just the prospect makes Goodman's character even more un-hinged and even funnier.

Yeah, and thanks, that was fun, but…
Most League Bowling rules state clearly that a minimum of 3 players must be present. Two players is doubles or something, not a team.

I'm not an avid Justified watcher - and I really don't give a crap about awards - and I like Olyphant, lifetime pass from me for Deadwood - but do you think that this is totally in his wheelhouse, or however it is perceived, and that's why he gets knocked down ?

this is reason #2 why i like cats, but really don't want one in my house when i'm asleep. a friend of mine when i was a kid got her eyes all clawed up because the cat decided to sleep on her face while she napped on the couch, and didn't appreciate her reaction to suffocating.
dogs do not attack you while sleeping. it

Aqua Teen Hunger Force fan?
NY Giants fan?
Philly Stars fan?