Stupid Fast

I used to get those and holy shxt snacks they hurt….doc said was either dehydrated or possible diabeetus :) indicator but the latter was ruled out on a test.
I didn't really change any habits save for trying to drink more chaser liquids when hitting hard booze straight….and haven't had them in a year or two.

Always had labs/retrievers so here's what I know. They love routine, and will hassle you to crash when it's a (reasonable) bedtime, which is useful if something on Netflix or whatever has made you forget the time.
If they make a fuss during the night - typically - you best check it out and throw some lights on outside.

"This special originally aired in 2009, and as we all know from the fact
that we had to wipe Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, from the map, waking the
baby mammoth was a terrible idea. Relieve the terror with this special
rebroadcast of the program."

The whole idea of spoilers should be abandoned. It should only apply to movie reviews published within, say, 2 weeks of a movie's release. If it was so important and vital to your life, you had time to go have your neat little discovery moment.
Otherwise - if you're in Antartica at the time or something….it's up to

Right. It takes a leap of faith to watch any movie to begin with, no? Nobody watching a Batman or Iron Man movie should have any reasonable worry of them dying or not triumphing in the end. Rocky is going to beat the snot out of everybody by the end(even in the first one). The Girl will always get Her Guy in the movie

yes, that would be my question to the business mgmt student twittering. so you believe in ghosts, and think they helped get hostages out of Iran? right on track, young man. the fbi is waiting for your resume.
also, does he think nixon met forrest gump in real life?
not to mention….spoiler for a "based on a true story"

How come the Dude can see Donnie?
I've only watched it 350 times and now it's potentially all changed by a random comment on the internet, because everything is true here.

Mine was homogenized, hers was loaded!


@Dikachu:disqus please choose - a broomstick, or a drinking bird that will tap the keyboard for you.

DC? LA? Utica?

Pajamas and 2 drinks pre-brunch while at work? Why, Canada sounds just like Hefner's 'Murrica!

Same! only, figuring out why a friends' '67 Chevelle won't go in reverse any more.

So far Argentina is winning. Can 'murrica invade that?

wow. i just lost the last hour or so.  thank you. i think.

I've answered that honestly at least three times, and was offered the position each time.
I say:
"Well, five years from now, ideally? I'd like to win some sort of lottery and be retired, with a house on my own lake."

I really like some of the instrumental homages they pull off as background music. In "Sheesh, Cab, Bob?" the music that kicks in with 3:15 left in the episode, right after Tina tells Bob not to give his mustache to Jimmy, is a sound-alike/re-write (enough to not get sued) of an old Prince song, "I Could Never Take

No, not at all Sir or Madam. I meant to merely speculate that the statement was troll-ing. You can have your opinion, and I can express disbelief when dumbfounded. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

I'm not going to just sit here while you two (@avclub-230e46d19fe78a6c8dc715659a7188d7:disqus @ @persia2:disqus  )  sully the name of sweet lady Propane. I won't stand for it, no sir. This was a sweet thread until you you you….I'm going to write a letter. I could have this place shut down.
Also, the Order of the

@Whatwhatque:disqus - well, Sarah Palin DOES resemble Peggy - add eye-magnifying glasses, processed hair and voila!