Stupid Fast

Why isn't there a cartoon called Clinton's Harlem HQ? I would watch that.

@avclub-fe858281188f10005605ea7b1dd0bf7f:disqus - that makes it 1 million times better and it was already a crazy good idea. I want to own the complete series already.

He tricked a lot of people into watching Michael. He can do this. At least, the hair will be right.


Still, it's a full on Hall of Fame-level (mostly) unintentionally comedic performance that doesn't get enough notice.
 If his Edna Turnblad doesn't leave someone in a combination of horror, laughter, tears and gaping dumbfounded "yeah we should have seen this much earlier"-ness…I don't know what will

whoa, there…"Most Important Male Icon of the Late 70s"…can't you throw an "arguably" in there?
You could hurt Burt Reynolds' feelings, if he cared.

This sounds like a best possible outcome scenario to me, @avclub-9b60cf1b2106f886f17cba2b1a0359b9:disqus

You, Mr. Donkey Lips, have clearly not witnessed the balletic grace of Travolta's Edna Turnblad.

"Would you just watch the hair. You know, I work on my hair a long time, and you hit it. He hits my hair."

Fellow AOL user Paul Rudd on AOL: "I like AOL because it's so embarrassing. People look at you as if you're a fossil. Which you are. But I enjoy that embarrassment. I like being on the outside. Having an AOL address is like wearing Ocean Pacific shorts…"

Dearest @Savage Dik-

Really. I'm hoping the letter got cut down for brevity - you can't put that in a letter and not at least parenthetically briefly describe how, can you?  I don't know if Mr. Savage has a person who verifies with letter writers, but that if he does, that person should have insisted on an explanation and Dan should have

Plus, if there's children involved - and alimony, lawyers, etc - some just figure it's smarter to stay. Obviously this is not the case from this letter…and unless she can spur him to get some help, she should kick him out and keep going.

He's definitely depressed or something of that nature, every classic sign - strivers lose their marbles when they can't work especially.

Did work at a former New York Football Giants draft pick and 4-year starter's condo last week. Dude lost this stellar place (also in Jersey) even though his accountant filed properly (without stealing)  and sent him a piece of paper all he had to do was sign it and mail it - and he threw it in the garbage instead.

shekel schmeckle.
ok that works.

Was that a "Stay in Your Lane" primer, @avclub-c02b1e8c39e84057c1a17d0eea9c8bba:disqus ?
Very much agreed with your opening assessment, and…
I kind of agree with the standup comments on Cross & Maron - but I think that others here are taking those, or other shortcomings, as target practice to shit on Maron in general in

amen @ the comments on this are worse than YouTube.
 i hate myself for even wasting keystrokes spitting back at them.

@avclub-2b098d70917d04227685a908e784293b:disqus wrote: "Plenty of people are good interviewers but shouldn't have their own show. "

I don't get bitter or angry from him at all. Maybe a little bitter, but just enough on the bitter-sweet side. Maybe I'm giving the guy a pass because I grew up in the town that neighbors the town his mother was from. Maybe you're projecting, though. Maybe a man has to work, and this is what he's good at, and obviously