Stupid Fast

Mr. or Ms. @avclub-5c48060a9a4810f241ffbd77284ecf49:disqus - please provide directions on how to jump to the timeline where that happened. It would have been infinitely better than what happened in the timeline I'm in (even though I don't want to see Maron 1.0 beaten to death).

Exactly, @avclub-ebd92c1e51287503620906e6bfb9dfc6:disqus . As an only occasional listener to (any) podcasts, I've never even heard the Lorne Michaels story, or, probably, most of the stories in this book.


:orders two vodkas, neat. unwraps tampon, drops it in one vodka, and drinks the other vodka in one long slow pull:
"That one's for Spade in case he shows up too."

I've been re-watching episodes of the Tick on Netflix - does Warburton get any checks from that?
No? well, i tried.

@avclub-07083a9024530b20bdd9ef8b38fc6e79:disqus - I assure you it is true, one of these very models sits in the kitchen here. I just checked in the drawer because I haven't opened it since some uncooked food educated me that there is no broiler there anymore -  it contained a couple cobwebs and some random crumbs/ick

However, some newer standard models have converted the drawer thingy into an actual drawer, and the broiler is inside the oven. Check on chicken in 5 minutes - if not hot, it's a drawer!

I truly hesitate to clarify this in case you aren't familiar with the HBO program Real Sex, @Binky. I have seen this program of which Amy speaks, and it often featured aged individuals getting naked and/or groping each other. Hope that clears things up, but if you already understood - I apologize in advance for being

[tries to get Mr. T to growl and punch me Clubber Lang style]

If you were alone and good at disguising your voice, there is no excuse for you to not have said that, and then said "who the hell was that?" in your own voice.

So what you're saying is Creed makes an appearance or the whole thing will be judged a failure?
I would like to suggest Creed play a neighborhood streaker or neighboring nudist and Tobias sees him and momentarily converts from never-nude to nudism.

"And you may address me as Mr. Connery, you failed-mullet of a man, until such time as I am knighted and you may use Sir, got that, cupcake?"
- Things I Wish Sean Connery Had Also Said In @avclub-6ffc79f9decf633c29b09e6c25621195:disqus  's Story

which Hairspray? and if it's the second one, which chubby chick, Travolta or the lead?


…blow up the moon?

I thought it had to be satire at times too…and agree with the rest of @avclub-b1ef00d12df9bd49c8c9718c39df0771:disqus  's assessment.
 For me, I enjoyed watching the show, although I really disliked all of the characters save one and they killed him when it was obvious he was already going down anyway. So they're

DCheney WAS dictator of earth already. Underwood has only killed a dog, and an underling/ co-worker. DCheney probably does that for fun on Sunday mornings.
Surely VP isn't enough for Underwood unless he's pulling the strings Cheney-style…so the question is does he go full Oz on us and grind up glass in some of that bbq

thanks so much…but i just realized because Queen's The Game came on the shuffle…as a kid i was playing along to the Beatles Red/Blue hits re-issues, Pink Floyd's The Wall and that Queen album slightly before getting Give 'Em Enough Rope (vinyl for all until - my Aunt was dismayed at buying a record with dead body

@Dikachu:disqus - While they never directly addressed it, I always had the impression that my parents wouldn't have been thrilled if the teenaged me and girlfriends were screwing around pretty much constantly under their roof. But we still managed to do so - Parents aren't always around, or are occupied with other

and at least she knows what to charge when he's not available?