Stupid Fast

Yeah it's a big-deal word here in the US - often referred to as the worst thing you can call a woman. It's even referred to as "the c-word" (or seaward for Arrested Development fans). If you're going to use it in a joke, it either has to be A: a GREAT joke with undeniable laughs, or B: not heard by any woman.

shut up and go away. a pile of excrement has more intelligent thought than you.

there's no "seem like" or "kind of" about it, he certainly is a douche. i flagged his comment here and the one earlier and i hope they delete or ban him. if you don't like it, jerkoff, don't read the article. in fact, do us all a favor and keep your provincial tiny little mind to yourself. better yet, put the business

that's not very nice. and you're an asshole. way to perpetuate the stereotype that cons are useless vicious scumbags though, so good for you.


just about every dead musician who's been in the top 40 ever but Nugent lives! what the hell damn screw! and especially the dang Ramones!

No way is that an equal trade, however swell the outcome. At best for Nugent the white people can expect maybe Rockwell, with Ready For The World's expired contract.

So liked. This should happen.

So maybe THIS is his plan to end up dead or in jail. Several dozens of tricked audience members showing up to hear Nugent play Wang Dang.

@KyleRyan - thank you for the awesome Duff wallpaper.

"having your brains smashed out with a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick" is how I have described every single hangover since reading that in junior high - only one person (a woman bartender in St. Thomas) ever got the reference, and she had a DVD of the just-released movie, and did I want to watch it

perhaps true in that he can't sing like that anymore, but he can still sing.
well enough to land allison krauss, anyway.

@avclub-96f15daceb6669363fbf7f762ed57703:disqus - duly stabby and noted. as others have written- II (for the full on white blues rock n' roll rip off) and III (for the weird and more delicate attempts at such)….for a band that gets lumped into dino-rock too often, they sure managed to sound different with each record.

Here's me hearing about a tour with JPJ and Page featuring Ann Wilson…
(picture me not lining up to buy a ticket)

.segues into "down by the seaside" as a fake-out

you, the voice of reason, you.
very much agreed.
they've shown flashes of musical wit in the half-assed reunions, though….i'm up for hearing it if they don't disgrace it…


i don't even fucking mind that allegation

blind spot? blind spot? BLIND SPOT? :goes mad and stabs random people:

:Carlin thumbs up: