Stupid Fast

worth every penny.
ok, maybe not. worth at least 10 bucks.

No,Bruce, for the 100th time, I'm not Kevin Smith - that's him over there!

the real way to measure this is to measure the distance in a straight line from the outstretched thumb tip to forefinger tip.
you are welcome, world.

as King of New Jersey, i obviously envy you.

You think that Jagger ever posed that question at that time without knowing that the answer was yes? He's not too proud to beg please, but that probably was just for show.
I could be wrong, but I always took the instrumental bit on the album version of Prince's song to mean that they do hook up and do the deed,

They had to deliberately avoid the two best for being too on the nose, I think:

@avclub-472d722b57a4ed37e41e70c9c9d7d0f3:disqus - the Fridge is not dead. and yes, i checked.

they (andy capp's) are the only corn-based food product snack bag that i enjoy, but of course not without reservation; they mix in taters, which is probably why i like it. if that makes me ol'-timey so be it. i still feel a weird and otherwise unprecedented shame in eating them that i cannot explain fully.

they (andy capp's) are the only corn-based food product snack bag that i enjoy, but of course not without reservation; they mix in taters, which is probably why i like it. if that makes me ol'-timey so be it. i still feel a weird and otherwise unprecedented shame in eating them that i cannot explain fully.

How that kid kept a straight face with Baldcap Monk Bob's "Angry face" that long baffles me still. I'd have laughed after like two seconds.

How that kid kept a straight face with Baldcap Monk Bob's "Angry face" that long baffles me still. I'd have laughed after like two seconds.

How that kid kept a straight face with Baldcap Monk Bob's "Angry face" that long baffles me still. I'd have laughed after like two seconds.

I have house pants. They're really just pajama pants but….what the hell was i watching before or after Mr. Rogers? When the hell was the Big Blue Marble on?

@paraclete_pizza:disqus - in a public park, you'd have recourse of all kinds to make them stop, from legal to physical means, and certainly I wasn't suggesting we advocate or tolerate asshole psychopaths online. It's already socially unacceptable, decent people do not behave that way, but how would you suggest that

@avclub-5b7e0a1ad5d9ac9ef3063b05f55b6d31:disqus  - i realize all that. but it is what it is. (yay, i hit the trifecta of super obvious things to say). that's how it is, and it's not going to change. and being offended, while just and proper and correct…is slightly naive at this point in the internets. i don't mean she

@avclub-5171864ab150444a2bcff2d4c52d3064:disqus - OK, it's crossing the line, but fb is still very public, and to think otherwise is delusional. 
No offense intended to you or GK - but that stuff is out there. FB is NOT private nor are you "able to define the circle of your interactions." If that were true, then why

@GenevieveKoski:disqus - is that really crossing the line, though? Admittedly, I don't use either of those things (fb/twit) so haven't seen the abuse in question - but those things are public forums, and, as such, you're going to take lumps from idiots. I'm willing to bet 98 percent of us here, even if we disagreed

@avclub-c8c9e888e14fd07ccbe557b7deb015d3:disqus - and the bacon Fieri stores on his person at all times.

The Depardieu Rolls is so hilarious, even if you don't read it with his accent. So, AVClub editors, you're putting Cap on the payroll for the next thing he feels like writing, yes?

but how will we access vol. 2?