Skeezer Pleezer

Washington's performance is truly extraordinary.  I recalled that he didn't win the Oscar that year, so I had to look up what revelatory performance could have been better.

Dean Stockwell is a total dick.

Child soldiers in Uganda really feel for Jake Lloyd and his hellish upbringing.

To be fair, no one gives a shit about Mark Hamill.  Other than animated Batman fetishists.

Or saying: "Wesa got a grand army. That's why you no liking us meesa thinks." or

Yeah, what a hellish experience.  With only the tons of high-school pyoon-tang that accompanies being a movie star to console him!

Tracey Gold   traceygold    3 hours ago
God, I am SOOO fat.

It was Kirk and Eve, not Kirk and Steve!

Ben: Honey, my boss is coming over for dinner tonight!  You know I'm up for that big promotion, so everything needs to be perfect…

This looks… um… fucking terrible.

The notion that they're completely rebooting with new characters gives me a sense of optimism.

East Coast Institution = Plato's Retreat circa 1977.


How come I can't no Tang 'round here?

My video started with R. Lee Ermey dressed as a leather-queen, screaming something incoherent about motorcycles.  I thought it was part of the trailer.

Goddammit, I am not as smart as Gary Busey.  I am leaving it unedited as a testament to my failure and shame.

But they have funnel cakes.

It would look like an MC Escher sketch.

Also, it would not matter to me if Hannah Hilton were in this, because that is a human being whose identity is unknown to me.

AVClub.  Attempting Versimilitude Concerning Lonely Urban Dwellers.