
I thought this too, that this would have been an excellent series finale. What are they going to do now that Nancy's under arrest? I'm sure they'll have to bring Andy and the boys back from Europe…who knows. I'm willing to tune it to find out though. Maybe next year Shane can finally get some mental help. His

This Season Finale Was Very Good
So I quit watching weeds after last season out of boredom. I tried to watch an episode this season (I think it was ep#3) and I thought it was horrible. Although I have no desire to see any other episodes I missed this season, I must say, I just watched the finale and it was Excellent.

Are you saying the writers remembered Michael riding a bike in Benihana but wrote the cold-open scene anyway? Under some sort of unspoken cold-open continuity immunity.

It shouldn't be a dead concept. Character continuity is actually kind of important. No? On the one hand, I get that it's hard to keep track of so many plot details after so many years. On the other hand, isn't that their job? And they get paid extremely well to do that job.

Reality TV
"Interesting moment where Dwight admonishes Jim for putting their meeting with Frames Select in terms that he thinks "they'll" understand with his Steve Nash joke — it implies an audience, more than just the cameraman, which is quite interesting."

It's Official!
So it's not just viewer imagination - Michael HAS been losing brain cells rapidly over the course of the series' run. In 2007, he knew how to ride a bike. But now in 2010, he's just plumb forgotten how to do it I guess. Poor guy. Now I feel bad about being so critical of the writers' tendencies to

"The white guys are broad and stupid."

I felt the story was getting repetitive and boring so I quit watching. I'm glad I did.
Weeds Plot: Nancy does something stupid and is almost killed. Nancy lives. Nancy endangers her family by associating with criminals. Nancy feels sorry for herself and wants her family to feel sorry for her too. Nancy continues to

Again? I'm so glad I stopped watching Weeds after last season.

I'd kind of like to see a futuristic crossover show with the Dexter baby and this CeCe kid. The Morgans move to Scranton, PA, Jim and Pam let Dexter baby-sit because, hey, at least he's not dumb like Erin. The kids grow-up to be serial-killers who team up to avenge the deaths of thier parents, all of whom died at the

If I had a kid I wouldn't leave it with a border-line mentally retarded woman such as Erin.

I like this show. I like it a lot. I would give this episode an "A." "A+" should be reserved for something mind blowing. "A-" is fine. Everything is fine.

The Dwight Disconnect
Dwight presents a challenge for the writers. They know they took him too far last season, but they can't very well dial him way back in just one or two eps., without it being too jarring. So we're getting somewhat-uneven Dwight right now, which is better than evil-cartoon Dwight any day.

I thought it was BJ Novak slipping out of character and into executive producer mode. Just spitting some dialogue out and telling the show editors to take the best one. Meant as a joke to everyone who thinks The Office producers have been getting lazy and phoning-in the show for the past 2 seasons.

ughtmost. Right. That's what happens when you go with the economics degree instead of the english degree.

You're right Todd. The Sopranos could have done more seasons but was smart enough to realize it shouldn't.

Lost will always be the exception to the rule. People on here talk about tv shows like they are an art form, but a tv show is a business first and foremost. If you ran a profitable business selling Widgets 1.0, would you shut down your business just because a competitor started selling Widgets 2.0? No, no you would

I think the pendulum has started to swing back the other way regarding nudity. Trust me, I've got no problem with it, but I hate when it's used as an attempt to bolster a weak plot. Ahem True Blood.

Seriously. What's with casting a 35 year-old actress to play the mother of a man in his 20's? Unless it's going to be some kind of "she was raped as a child" storyline, otherwise it's lame. There's plenty of 40+ actresses who could play the role while still keeping the sex-appeal factor in tact. I know, I know,

wait until next year when Baby JAM comes back as an adorably precocious 5-year old.