livid hieroglyph


Objective observers might judge my drinking excessive, I have a long time crush on Gillian Anderson, My posts here are the most talking I've done in years, and I miss the ocean.

Objective observers might judge my drinking excessive, I have a long time crush on Gillian Anderson, My posts here are the most talking I've done in years, and I miss the ocean.

Sometimes it gets cold.  Socks and sandals.

Sometimes it gets cold.  Socks and sandals.

@avclub-3da678392d5ac1ff456fe6e06354fdef:disqus Good luck tomorrow.  Are the intertubes even capable of containing the molten irony?

@avclub-3da678392d5ac1ff456fe6e06354fdef:disqus Good luck tomorrow.  Are the intertubes even capable of containing the molten irony?

I have an excellent, airtight, unassailable, reason.  I don't know how to do it.

I have an excellent, airtight, unassailable, reason.  I don't know how to do it.

Saints…Does this automatically mean we're a-feudin'?

Saints…Does this automatically mean we're a-feudin'?

What this guy said.

What this guy said.

My favorite moment was at the end when Bernard has his guns up and Mulder has figured it out and is trying to explain to him how the day keeps repeating and Bernard's crazed, incredulous response is, "What the hell are you talking about?"  That there was some Darin Morgan level stuff.

My favorite moment was at the end when Bernard has his guns up and Mulder has figured it out and is trying to explain to him how the day keeps repeating and Bernard's crazed, incredulous response is, "What the hell are you talking about?"  That there was some Darin Morgan level stuff.

Great Moments in Phrasing!

Great Moments in Phrasing!

Is there tiny chatting going on?  Damn me for forgetting tiny chat address, so a link would be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance, LH.

Is there tiny chatting going on?  Damn me for forgetting tiny chat address, so a link would be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance, LH.