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Office (UK) is tied at #55. Office (US) is tied at #66.

Yea, Colbert's performance was phoned-in, in every sense of the word. Pretty disappointing.

Yea, Colbert's performance was phoned-in, in every sense of the word. Pretty disappointing.

Manny is completely intolerable. That is all.

Manny is completely intolerable. That is all.

You mean "shirts"?

A rainbow gradient and feathered edges would really make it pop, as well.

**nods solemnly**

Olivia is definitely a lousy Daily Show correspondent at this point, but I think it's fair to give her a little time to settle in. Wyatt Cynac was god-awful for a long time, but now seems to be one of the stronger guys on the show. Even Stephen Colbert took time to evolve out of that Stone Phillips routine he started

I stand corrected and tip my fedora to you, good sirs.

SNL ripping off MAD TV?
Did anyone else notice that the "Back to the Future" sketch seemed to be a wholesale rip-off of those old MAD TV outtake bits? I think the MAD TV ones featured alternate actors for Star Wars characters.