Admiral Neck

"Oui" was shown as "Oui" as well, and a few other words, very commonly known ones, were left untranslated too. Plus, the subtitles didn't cover all of the speech, with some German chatter left alone. To confuse the audience and build tension?

I've been thinking about this movie all weekend, and just realised another thing. There's only one language that all of the non-Basterds (and also not Hans Landa) speaks. Cinema. While there are plenty of games with Landa speaking Italian, German, French and English perfectly (kudos to Waltz), and Hicox screwing up

Just looked at the cast list on IMDb, and spotted stuntman Buddy Joe Hooker, Bo Svenson, and original Inglorious Bastards director Enzo Castellari in the mix. Love QT's film nerdery.

I loved it when I saw it two days ago, and two days of pondering it have made me love it more. Blendercore hit the nail right on the head. Watch it get reappraised over time, probably by the end of the year when a few brave souls put it on their best-of lists.

1) Pulp Fiction
2) Reservoir Dogs
3) Inglourious Basterds
4) Kill Bill
5) Death Proof
6) Jackie Brown

Yeah, Yummsh, I couldn't take my eyes off the screen either. My joints were locked by the end of it.

How long was the basement scene? That felt like about half an hour at least, and gripped me even more.

I got the feeling they were stunt feet.

Raindog, IB is four thousand times the movie Kill Bill was. It's pure cinema heaven.

I enjoyed this article about the nasty side of the "Nice Guy" myth:

Hold on, there are Galaxy Quest episodes? You show me where, I'll supply the slurpees.

@TomWaits for Snowman: good point.

@TomWaits for Snowman, I've always thought of Venkman and Bueller as throwbacks to Groucho Marx, who played the greatest and most anarchic anti-authoritarian in film history. Whatever it is, he's against it.

Ferris Bueller
Yes, he's obnoxious. Yes, he's arrogant. Yes, he's kinda self-centred. But his message was one I needed to hear when I was a kid, and it saved me from wallflowerdom. The thought of him blithely striding through life with such confidence has spurred me on to getting out of a rut many a time. For that

Action scenes
Sommers sets off 20 explosions, puts the camera too close, and then edits them together at random. The action scenes occur in different places with different geography, but so little attention is paid to using those environments that they are all interchangeable. The sword fights are laughably brief,

The trailer for this made me want to rewatch Crank: High Voltage to wash the taste out of my mouth. And I didn't even like Crank: High Voltage that much. Sometimes the antidote is awful, but you've just got to suck it up.

It's shit. It's incomprehensible and exhausting shit. Ten characters breathlessly yelling all of their dialogue for 95 minutes. Camera whipping around and filming nothing. If shit shat, shit would have shat this shit.

The Star Chamber, Outland, Capricorn One and 2010 are still terrific movies, and Hyams could direct chase scenes better than almost anyone. I even liked his lighting way back when, though over time he appears to have become kind of insane with the darkness.

"my beef was more about the fact that they had the technology for a pair of contact cameras but didn't have some kind of tiny microphone for her to use"

Or Bob Newhart.