Admiral Neck

@Miller, ::applause::

3) a blue cloud of pixie dust/Kylie molecules blows past with a glissando on the soundtrack.

"Great shit, though many of the characters are the stereotypes that other, better shows (Breaking Bad, The Wire, The Shield, etc.) have taken the effort to largely avoid."

Sad to see a Fantasy Casting Session has to have strict rules of logics, but anyway, Colin Baker was in it before he became the Doctor. As was the new companion, and Eve Myles. Precedent.

She's flying the ship that Jack teleported onto at the end. And then there will be fucking. Lots and lots of fucking.

Tamsin Grieg.

I really am the only person who loved the season three finale. Oh well, solitude has its own rewards.

"so how does Jack get out of it?"

@Park, for some of us, the 90s never ended.

Someone on Twitter just posted this link.

It's debatable. There is obvious improvement, but that's not a guarantee of quality. I will say that if you start watching CoE, you will be compelled to watch to the end. It is definitely good at making you want to find out what happens next.

The granson was never interesting, or given anything to do other than run after his mom for two minutes. Which was one of the things I didn't like about it. Abstractly we know Jack is making a terrible choice, and he will be greatly saddened, but we don't really care about the kid as we

It just grew that way naturally. Little did Lord Reith know that digital would happen and complicate matters so much. Though it bugged me when Radio 7 was originally called BBC7. And it still bugs me that there is another radio station called 1Xtra. Not Radio 1, or Radio 8. 1Xtra. Kids today.

Johnny Daytona, sorry for treading on your toes. Didn't realise you had already mentioned the book.

When the identity of the new Doctor was being teased, some bastard out there made it seem like Ejiofor was the number one candidate, and there was a whole day of the Internet being torn in half with excitement. It drove me crazy because he was NEVER going to play Who, and I knew it, but I desperately wanted it to be

Part of the confusion is because BBC America airs C4 and ITV shows from time to time. That doesn't account for all of the mistakes, but it can give the false impression that the BBC runs it all.

Indeed, and he does a lot of rewriting on the fly. I envy him his speed, but then he does get to devote almost all of his time to it, and so can afford to agonise over it.

Park, you're very definitely not alone in preferring Moffat to Davies. Don't go into the AICN talkbacks (rampant homophobia, of course), but take it from me, Moffat is treated like God over there.

" the irrelevance of action comic style posturing"

@drdarkeny, I'd hesitate to call it a delight. It was unbelievably morbid and depressing. The Mist of the Who Universe. (I'm talking content, not quality, btw.) And yes, RTD has done some terrible things. I've yet to recover from the Titanic Christmas special. Overall I give him a pass (and a hug of gratitude for