
Forgive me if someone already posted this explanation for the aphasia
I just now got to see this week's episode via Hulu (bonus: no "V" countdown), and here's my simple real-world explanation for why they gave Sun aphasia in this episode — each character is being given one last chance to shine this season, right?

Homer: "I have this magical thing called a home equity loan. I borrow all the money I want, and the house gets stuck with the bill!"

I agree with those who say this Simpsons was a huge step backwards after some pretty great outings. As a "The Simpsons are going to…" episode, it wasn't as bad as, say, their trip to Africa, but man, it wasn't good. Sasha Baron Cohen's one-joke tour guide was the worst celeb cameo in years — his voice was basically

(tasting) Heyyy — this isn't sediment at all…!!!

I've thought a few times that Paramount should revisit these scripts and voice recordings, and do a CG, "Clone Wars" type series with them…

The movie has virtually the same scene with the Vulcan kids taunting young Spock, too.

I saw the books on the library shelf last week and almost checked one out to see if they were as good as I remembered…

I thought the alien on the USS Kelvin bridge in the latest Trek was intended as a nod to Lt. Arex…

That new trailer for the Scott Pilgrim movie
Intellectually, I can infer that I might have gone bananas for Scott Pilgrim and/or that Kick Ass thing as a kid, but the trailers for those movies just make me feel embarrassed for my comic book fandom all over again, while also inducing a migraine…

Try working in video games for coming up on two decades. When I started in the game industry, Super Nintendo was in its heyday, and we did all our 8bit, sprite and tile based art for cartridges on DOS-based software on floppy discs, because nobody had Windows, never mind the internet.

1967. No one born in the 80s is "old".

That wasn't just a decent Simpsons episode, it was a really good Simpsons episode, maybe even a great one.

More thanks Zack, and looking forward to your TAS review. Man, I loved me those Alan Dean Foster Log books when I was a kid.

1) Wrath of Khan
2) Star Trek (2009)
3) Star Trek: TMP
4) Search for Spock
5) Voyage Home
6) Undiscovered Country

Muppets - Jim Henson = Sad
it's just math

I think Corey Feldman should be buried with Haim

I refuse to accept blame, despite really liking Tron when it first came out and I was one of the three kids in the theater to see it. I never asked for a sequel, nevermind a sequel 28 years after the original bombed. This trailer makes it look awful, btw.

It's easily my favorite album this year so far. Several songs are stuck in my head, twisting slowly around like the giant floating islands of plastic trash in the oceanic dead zones….

Concur completely; a great series of reviews that goes out on a bit of a down note, just like the TV series.

Am I the only Lost fan who's suddenly scared that the series is going in the direction of this movie?
I got a creepy Donnie Darko - crossed with - The Stand vibe from last night's Lost episode, and now I'm worried that the series is going to lurch to a "Stephen King* as directed by Richard Kelly" resolution…