Baked Bean Teeth

Sorry, I meant Super Bowl MVP. I'm personally not denying that the Pat's aren't a great team. I think they will win the game. What I'm saying is their championship will be tainted because Brady may have been cheating the entire season. There is always the possibility that those under-inflated balls MAY have made a

Open question for John Teti: Were you an OJ juror back in 1994? Just asking.

I have to laugh with some of these Patriots fans: "Belichick DID deny the walkthrough taping and was vindicated." That's some denial on the part of Patriot fans. How exactly was he vindicated when his best friend Goodall destroyed the tapes? When a then NE assistant denied that video-tape operator Mathew Walsh

I'm assuming you're a Pats fan? Tom Brady explicitly stated in 2011 that he prefers underinflated balls. Some quarterbacks do, some don't. Mark Brunell thinks it makes a big difference as far as grip. Aaron Rodgers likes them overinflated because he gets better velocity. You seriously don't believe those balls

I thought Goodell dodged a bullet once the Ravens were eliminated. Can you imagine having to hand over the Super Bowl trophy to the Raven's owner and Harbaugh after the Rice scandal?

I strongly disagree with this whole argument that Brady's cheating didn't matter because the Pats outscored the Colts 28-0 in the second half. I personally don't think the Colts would have beat the Pats in any situation; the Colts just stink and have no business near any championship game.

Absolutely, positively should have won best picture in 1999.

I would go further and call Easy Money Rodney's funniest movie (better than Back to School) and one of better, unappreciated comedies of the 80's. And Negron just kills in it:

I think the Packers are slightly better than the Cowboys but I don't see how the weather is such a huge advantage for the Packers. Remember, Rodgers is also hurt and his body also has to hold up in that extreme cold. Rodgers also lost his last two home playoff games to the Niners and the Giants. I don't know, I just

I loved when Stringer ordered Slim Charles to kill Senator Davis and Slim tells him he won't do it and "that's some assassination shit right there…"

What disturbed me was that his "close your eyes , relax" line was almost compassionate. That scene just killed me.

That "I wasn't meant to be play the son" line was chilling. Actually, his instructions to Joe just before his death "close your eyes, relax" is probably the most compassion we ever saw out of him.

If Jamie Hector is reading this, you scared the shit out of me in this role. It's almost jarring to see him in that video of the Wire reunion in New York. He seems like a really cool, nice guy in real life. The guy really sold it as Marlo, completely believable and scary.

Wow, it's nice to see someone who actually understands what makes the Sopranos so great. I disagree with you about The Wire, I think it's fantastic and terrific storytelling. I think the issue with The Sopranos (especially the last two seasons, as you pointed out) is that's it's working at such deep thematic,

Ok. So at this point there are only 4 teams that have a realistic shot at winning the Super Bowl right? In order of the likelihood of winning it all:

And Dodd has a subtle arc as well, although it is not for the better. By the end, Dodd appears to have become a complete slave to the Cause, it's members, and most of all-Peggy. The convention is the key set-piece scene for both Dodd and Freddie in this film (and I already talked about why those scenes were

I agree about Dodd in point 1 but think (with regard to your second point) that he's too much of a self-absorbed narcissist to ever really want Freddy to ride away.

The motorcycle scene is also critical because it's the point Freddie breaks away from Dodd. As Dodd's wife had told Freddy earlier (after waking him up) he must have a goal and go find something for himself. The next scene after the motorcycle is Freddy returning to Doris home. He's brave enough to do that now,

I'm afraid you're missing the point of those scenes and they make perfect narrative sense.

I've seen the film and have to disagree with this review. Just to let you know where I'm coming from, there is no bigger PTA fan than myself. I think Boogie Nights, There Will Be Blood and The Master are masterpieces, Magnolia a near masterpiece, and Punchdrunk love and Hard Eight are great. I paid $75 bucks to see