Wait a minute! Where is the brilliant summer camp NBC comedy "Poison Ivory" on this list???
Wait a minute! Where is the brilliant summer camp NBC comedy "Poison Ivory" on this list???
I'm sorry if that is all you got out of Schindler's List. I saw it again recently (it's been running a lot lately on Showtime) and it is a pure masterpiece with just incredible film-making. I can say the same about SPR. I have my own issues with Spielberg (he does have some shitty films and I'm generally disgusted…
Tarantino isn't the director he once was. He's more commercial now and gives in to his worst instincts to pander to the audience. The ending of Django was like a cartoon and Basterds, which about 50% is ABSOLUTELY brilliant, is compromised for the same reasons. I've read the script for Hateful Eight and its more of…
Agreed, but we still have PT Anderson.
But it has Nolan and the Zucker brothers!
I don't care if Coppola only shot porno films after Apocalypse Now. He has 4 masterpieces like you said. You'll probably find Godfather, Godfather 2, and Apocalypse Now within most lists of the 50 greatest movies ever made. He has to be on ANY list.
Nolan and the Zuckers are on this list but not Lumet and Woody Allen.
Including Nolan was the AV Club throwing the sci-fi/comic nerds a bone. His films have progressively gotten worse. Memento is still his best and I love the underrated Insomnia. The flaws in DK has been discussed enough. Inception was forgettable and DKR and Interstellar were garbage. Calling Nolan one of our…
Matt Zoller Seitz is doing the same. I really like a few of his movies (Rushmore, Tannanbaums, and Budapest) but he really needs to grow up. The artifice of his movies still fails to make me emotionally connect with his characters.
Inherent Vice was PT Anderson's first miss for me but he's the closest we have to Kubrick right now.
Me too. Especially being such a huge Met fan and seeing this episode as a teenager. I loved the incorporation of McDowell into it, because it there was someone on that team that would spit on a fan, it probably would have been him.
Hernandez rules. I'm also a tortured lifelong Met fan but listening to Hernandez on SNY calling games is always interesting. He really is a weird guy, talking about "fundies" and such.
MLB network had a entire show on Game 6 as part of its "25 greatest games ever" [I believe it was number 2 or 3]. Mookie Wilson, Calvin Shiraldi, Bobby Ojeda and Buckner (who is a class act) who there in studio to answer questions and do commentary while they watched the game again. Wilson specifically pointed out…
Robin: I thought I was your "Sweet baby"?
Rebecca: You were my "Rich baby"
As a life long Cheers fan, this is a very sad day. I was aware of his theatre acclaim but he was brilliant as Roger Colcord and was amazingly adept at comic timing. The Rebecca/Robin arc throughout season 8 and 9 were some of the greatest and funniest moments the show ever produced. I still think the show's 8th…
This scene crushed me when I saw it. As discussed here, you just don't expect it given how we are conditioned to Hollywood bullshit type heroism in films.
That was really fun. I loved the narrator's serious voice. That being said, I would say it's more credible than the actual 9/11 truther theories. Don't show this video to Charlie Sheen or Pete Carroll.
I didn't know what what to expect after so many critics have been killing it but I really enjoyed this opening episode (my expectations were lowered). Also, Collin Farrell was superb in this episode especially with anything having to with his kid and his scene with the bully. I'm really looking forward to where…
Totally agree with this, Boardwalk had some great moments but was ultimately was done in by stupid writing (I still cant get over the ridiculous ending). Winter just doesn't have the chops to elevate the show to greatness. I have read that Chase basically re-wrote every script on The Sopranos but generously would…
So this movie is damn masterpiece but there's one scene that bothers the hell out of me: where Val Kilmer comes back to see Ashley Judd after the shoot out. Kilmer's character must have shot and killed a dozen cops and his face is all over the news. Vincent has men at Judd's house because they EXPECT Kilmer may show…