
Who OWNS the Chiefs? Tim McKraken, that's who.

I was thinking that the recently deceased Locke was going to be the package. You know, the old "confront the ghost thingy with the dead look-alike" gambit. I guess the writers didn't want to play such a tired card. Good on 'em, I guess.

Alive when the Leafs were frequently contending for the Cup. Oldest guy at the Jane's Addiction/NIN concert last summer, for sure. Now, get off my lawn.

That scene in Rituals where they had to cross the stream, and the one guy finally steps in the underwater bear trap? Pure B Movie gold!

14 Years by Guns N Roses. Waaay overlooked.

Strutter? Didn't see that coming…

What's pork and smells like green?

Personally, I like my soul with lemon juice or some home-made tartar sauce - mayo and relish. Basic, yet, it's the sole way to enjoy soul…

What about David Carradine? (Or was he mentioned last year?)

I didn't stay up to watch the whole show, but was surprised to see Avatar get shut out of the BIG categories. The Hurt Locker was a decent movie, but not that good. The characters were pretty one-dimensional, and left undeveloped.

They only seem to play "Plush" on the radio now, so it's pretty easy to get bored with STP. Too bad they wouldn't play "Crackerman" or "Sex Type Thing" every now and then.

For me, DT is just the opposite - I was introduced to some of their earlier wankfests, but quite enjoy their latest CD. Plus, they really rock in concert. Much heavier than I expected.

True story: back in the late '70's, the Ramones were on the bill with Aerosmith, Ted Nugent, and Nazareth at an outdoor concert in Toronto. About three chords into their first song, somebody hit Joey right in the mind with an orange. They quickly left the stage, and that was the last time anyone tried to add a punk

I did a double-take when Locke's wife/Peg Bundy had her scene in the kitchen - she looks a lot like she was separated at birth from…Paul Stanley!

Too bad Metallica can't/won't simply re-release DM without the compression issues. Perhaps, as a valentine's day present to their fans…

Check it out on iTunes - a bunch of live stuff (much of it recorded on stages in Soviet Canuckistan, too!)

The new Overkill does, in fact, rock. Hard.

What? No Meshuggah?
Gotta love Metal Box, but I was hoping to see something on the new Meshuggah!

Sex to music is so lame. Sex to sports radio, on the other hand, is pure gold. He shoots, he scores!

Escape From NY
My money's on Kurt Russell's character from Escape from NY. Talked like Clint; kicked ass like Chuck. Heck, even his eye patch could scare a fellow…