Joe Dredd

IIRC they said it brought magic back for them. Nothing to say it wasn't present elsewhere though, that witch was doing something in that tent at the end of season one and that was before Dany's dragons were born.

Melisandre could probably produce some kind of 'offspring' for her/with her.

Last season, Varys mentioned to Tyrion some rumours from the east about the escaped Targaryen girl supposedly having a dragon or something. Tyrion didn't really take it seriously. If Varys told anyone else, I doubt they did either.

During the confrontation between Tiberius and Caesar the other week for a brief moment I thought Tiberius would bash his head and cause him lasting brain damage. Then it went somewhere else entirely.

Alison Brie for Daisy Buchanan, w/thrilling Southern accent a must.

Had to register for this. I'm a self confessed film snob/bore, but I like to think I have a broad taste. Whenever I hear or read a fellow film snob/bore giving the old tired kicking to Star Wars and it's various flaws, I always think of Ebert's 1977 review of the movie, which is up on his website. To me, his reasoning