Gerry Todd

Are you a cop? You have to tell me if you are

So he can talk to fish. WTF is he going to learn from a fish?

According to IMDB, Big Trouble only made back 20% of its budget. It's nothing special, but it didn't deserve to be a bomb. Bad timing of course.

If she did she'd still be marr…never mind

I think "none of the above" should be an option. Make everybody get dressed up, then have Tom Hanks open the envelope say "nope, try again".

The suicide squeeze is about as exciting as baseball gets, but the stat guys have pretty much removed it from the game.

Is Maher really responsible for Coulter? I thought she was more of Fox creation. He's not really responsible for Milo either but he arguably gave him his biggest exposure to date.

Yeah he was the go-to guy for "disreputable contractor", "disreputable landlord", and "union official" for much of the 70s.

I'd certainly swap him for President Camacho in a heartbeat

"Why don't you play a game of solitaire, Mary?"

Hunt down The Erotic Adventures of Hercules. It features McClure's only nude scenes, and when you see it you'll know why.

Since you mentioned Albert Brooks, I'll throw in Broadcast News.

I've never thought of him as anything but the worst kind of contrarian; the guy who takes up any position as long as it continues the argument.

When he has to do a lot of normal talking, he comes off as dumb. Sorry, he just does. It's just his voice I think. He still sounds like a 17 year old, no matter what he's saying..

Sorta off-topic, but why has no one attempted to film Sinclair's The Jungle? It features 2 timely topics; exploitation of workers and immigrants. Plus there's all that nasty meat rendering to appeal to the Saw fans.

How does a Hallmark series work? Does she fall in love with a different guy from her old high school every week?

Phillies' catcher Darren Daulton married that playmate, then expensively divorced her a few years later, and had to endure several spring trainings with a gigantic billboard of his ex-wife (advertising Hooters) in the outfield.

Minneapolis? Unless I missed a Stanley Cup they haven't won anything since 92, and they have 4 teams. Plus, Prince is dead.

If pizza is like sex, then Cici's is the prison rape of pizzas.

Where's that damn cat?