

I'm outta the loop. What happened yesterday? Do I even want to know?

I get that this is a generational thing, but We Were Dead was my introduction to Modest Mouse and I'd still consider them one of my favourite bands. While the glossier sound of that album may be off-putting to people who loved the early, grimy three-piece days, it still felt like a bold, wild alternative to a fourteen

Hey, fill in the form however you like, there's no fuckin' way that the results, however they are released, will in any way reflect the reality of the input.

You mean season 2's been canceled?

That doll is horny for this one (as am I).

Is this video what killed Mary Tyler Moore?

A Braindead mention! Is there somewhere that commenters are discussing it? For me the show has just been getting more and more enjoyable each week.

Maybe I'm confused because I have tried to blank out as much of the special as I could, but wasn't the whole point that Sherlock became certain Moriarty was actually dead? Because if not, as hinted at by this trailer, then what was the point of tanking a relatively solid standalone episode with all the unnecessary

Can someone explain to me how CoCo is not a joke song? Because there is nothing about it that I don't find hilarious. Coupled with the video, it has been my gold standard for "good-bad" music from the last few years.

Just watched it. I had a great deal of fun with it, especially in the first hour, and I really loved the fact that, as noted in the review, the visuals had a wonderful sense of texture. That said, as it goes on the recycled plot elements really began to sap my enthusiasm, and it unfortunately suffers from

This isn't doing much to assuage my interpretation that Sutter learned nothing from his days on The Shield about why that show holds up so well and why its shocking moments actually mattered.

"Now now" is actually a pretty common phrase in South Africa. If you say you'll do something "now" you're lying, and you've already forgotten to do it.

To me, the whole series is set-up as a deconstruction of the fantasy hero wish-fulfillment character. Kvothe is the best at everything, the smartest guy ever and (as of the second book) the greatest lay in all of ctrl-c/ctrl-v fantasy land.

I think we have wildly different interpretations of the ending.

Where is the best place to hop on the POI train? The pilot? I've heard that the early going was rough, then it got really great, but I'm not sure if I have the patience for a whole iffy season.

It almost seems like they're intentionally setting up a Cougar Town style premise that can be ditched as soon as possible to reboot the show as a simple hangout com. Which I am for, if the chemistry between the actors works

I wonder if the weirdly fluid sex scenes that have been happening on Hannibal recently are close to what he is thinking of.

Name: I was in the process of a long period of being-bummed-out, and it was a little melodramatic mantra I adopted. It didn't really help, but when I read it now it reminds me that no matter how bad I think I have it, I survived the previous worst period of my life.