Fake Chinese Robert Plant

Is this real life?

Is this real life?

Make love in your own hand, Mother!

Make love in your own hand, Mother!

MetaCrawler, motherfuckers.

MetaCrawler, motherfuckers.

@avclub-6b48bce43f2dc83ad334359aa5a42fc4:disqus Kindergarten Cop fits into that framework, I think.

@avclub-6b48bce43f2dc83ad334359aa5a42fc4:disqus Kindergarten Cop fits into that framework, I think.

I think you would enjoy Popcorn by Ben Elton.

I think you would enjoy Popcorn by Ben Elton.

The haircut is making Timothy Hutton a lot more likable.

The haircut is making Timothy Hutton a lot more likable.

Doesn't matter; HOCKEY.

Doesn't matter; HOCKEY.

I did that too—and then I actually listened to them. I know fuck-all about R&B, but I am loving this album like whoa.

I did that too—and then I actually listened to them. I know fuck-all about R&B, but I am loving this album like whoa.

I rage-quit Enterprise at the episode where they invite some Klingons onto a prototype holodeck and run a simulation of the Klingon homeworld, at which point one of them says—I shit you not—"I can see my house from here!"

I rage-quit Enterprise at the episode where they invite some Klingons onto a prototype holodeck and run a simulation of the Klingon homeworld, at which point one of them says—I shit you not—"I can see my house from here!"

I was that Napoleon Dynamite fan. And then one day—literally, it was like a switch flipped—I realized it was a horrible piece of hipster shit and I repented of my ways.

I was that Napoleon Dynamite fan. And then one day—literally, it was like a switch flipped—I realized it was a horrible piece of hipster shit and I repented of my ways.