Fake Chinese Robert Plant

We'll consider Season 4 non-canon, and when it gets cancelled after 13 increasingly-disappointing episodes, it won't hurt quite as much as we thought it would.

We'll consider Season 4 non-canon, and when it gets cancelled after 13 increasingly-disappointing episodes, it won't hurt quite as much as we thought it would.

Holy Christ. I feel really bad for Harmon now.

Holy Christ. I feel really bad for Harmon now.



@avclub-c2ef3728d9ce090652f36c2e3d4783d0:disqus You know, I've been pretty neutral on this whole "feud" business, but fuck Chevy Chase for that.

@avclub-c2ef3728d9ce090652f36c2e3d4783d0:disqus You know, I've been pretty neutral on this whole "feud" business, but fuck Chevy Chase for that.

I think we've misunderstood each other. I definitely wasn't suggesting you and your girlfriend were anything like the Alpha Couple. And obviously if you're not taking the song at face value then nothing I said even applies.

I think we've misunderstood each other. I definitely wasn't suggesting you and your girlfriend were anything like the Alpha Couple. And obviously if you're not taking the song at face value then nothing I said even applies.

You're adorable.

You're adorable.

one can argue that you don't waste your time saying all that if you actually hated them

one can argue that you don't waste your time saying all that if you actually hated them

Nothing personal, man, but I feel like people who see anything positive at all in the Alpha songs have never been in the kind of relationship that is literally poisonous to everyone involved, where every good thing between you has been damaged beyond repair or recognition, and whatever's left is only held together by

Nothing personal, man, but I feel like people who see anything positive at all in the Alpha songs have never been in the kind of relationship that is literally poisonous to everyone involved, where every good thing between you has been damaged beyond repair or recognition, and whatever's left is only held together by

You might say that band is your… kryptonite?

You might say that band is your… kryptonite?

Channel Wood
Space Ship

Channel Wood
Space Ship