Sound and Fury

I'd agree with no sous chefs (especially by drawing lots), but having one course where everyone uses the same ingredients makes sense for making direct comparisons.

Thank you, thing.

Kneel before Scrod?

Failure piles in sadness bowls for all around for the firstie attempts.

Further proof that the Taco Bell Dana Carvey Show was ahead of its time.


Bruce Campbell damn well better be playing Leeroy Jenkins.

What happens at the Hotel California stays at the Hotel California… for obvious reasons.

No bowl… stick.

Anyone who hasn't enjoyed chunky beer is clearly unfamiliar with Olympia Ice 800.

It's a strong CD… definitely agree with OC on the Ramones cover.

Season 7 of 24 for $60 followed by "Bank Robbery Collection"

That should be dead horse… was thinking Black Dahlia, Hillary Swank, and mule just kinda popped out there.

Eckhardt… Black Dahlia… unforgivable. Resume beating of dead mule.

May as well ask the sun not to rise in the morning… the heart wants what it wants BA. No forum mod can ever delete that!!

If the first move was good enough for the prime minister of New Zealand, it's good enough for me.

Lead singer… driver of the Winnebago

I knew it was you Chang… you broke my heart.


He vud have an enormous schwanzstucker.