
Hangin' Hank
No one's yet mentioned the scene opening with a pair of legs dangling from the ceiling that we discover to be Hank's during PT. I loved that shot. The insinuation of Hank committing suicide was really cool, especially considering how miserable he is.

Animals is a great album, and I don't have a negative thing to say about too much else before Waters left. But, I will say that I think The Final Cut is my favorite from the lot of them. Only weakness is "Not Now John," and that tracks not too bad.

Gotta say, "Rebellion (Lies)" is my favorite. But, a close second would be "Headlights Look Like Diamonds."


There have been ultrasound images of male fetuses with in-utero erections. Even evidence of in-utero masturbation.

Definitely need to take Eva's perspective into consideration before discarding the entire novel as "shit." It's quite clear that the entire story is told from her experience of it.

Good List
I'd contribute We Need to Talk About Kevin, by Lionel Shriver, and one of AJ Jacobs books (either The Know-It-All, or The Year of Living Biblically). That is all.

I have nothing to say, and I'm saying it.

I guess I have the advantage of being a UK basketball fan in that regard. What I lose in football, I gain in basketball. No complaints.

Yep, I'm in Cinci, and as much as we love him (our rich alumns are actually pooling money to give him a big signing bonus) I'm afraid he's likely to bolt for a school that can get a BCS title. UC and the Big East just aren't cutting it. He's too good of a coach to settle for what we can offer.

John Cage said (paraphrasing here) - "I don't mind being moved by art. I do mind being pushed."

Cloud Cult
If not "The Meaning of 8," then "Advice from the Happy Hippopotamus," should've gotten a mention. Menoa's music and attitude is worth honoring in some way on here.

Wolf Parade
Apologies to the Queen Mary. My only complaint. Thank you.

Yeah yeah yeah, "How HARD did you roll your eyes!?!?!?!" Suck a D.

Oh yeah, and I rolled my eyes pretty hard when Charlie and Simcoe's kid did secret handshake thing.

Olivia seems like the worst doctor ever. This is the second episode in which they've shown her completely neglecting her professional responsibilities because of personal matters. And they don't even convey her as a competent doctor in any way outside of having the majority of her scenes take place with her in

This Book
Needs to be talked about in Wrapped up in Books.

Yeah, I get what you're saying. I wanted to see Demetri arrest the dude for having the bong. Instead, they just quick cut to a scene of Demetri allowing an excavating crew to dig up Aaron's daughter. Why aren't more people trying to fuck with what they saw? Especially someone like Demetri, whom is convinced he'll

I didn't get why Charlie was so worked up about seeing Dylan hurt on the hospital bed. Sure, she saw him for 2 and a half minutes in her flash forward. But, that's the only time she knows him from at this point, and she acts like they were brother and sister all this time. The complete over-reaction really

I dunno. They hadn't patched it as of Friday night. But, I was under the impression that it wasn't patchable without serious remaking of that segment of the game. I might be wrong, though.