Blue Monday is at least a half decent song, but I getcha. I geeeeeetcha.
Blue Monday is at least a half decent song, but I getcha. I geeeeeetcha.
Heh, I always enjoyed how similar the names Lennon and McCartney are to Lenin and McCarthy.
What's with everyone's love of Love Will Tear Us Apart? I fucking love Joy Division, but that song is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Why not pick one of their good songs, like Day of the Lords or 24 Hours to remember the band by? Shit, i'd even pick She's Lost Control over LWTUA.
Actually, this review made me kind of want to read it. But I enjoy seeing pathological narcissism play out…
What about
Tyler Perry in, well, all the Madea movies? Or is that hot? I get confused sometimes. I'm awash in a sea of poiple.
And i'm sure he's all too aware of what happens when they piss him off too bad…
I've read a couple, they make a good synopsis, but Koontz is a little(lot) ham fisted with this prose, and he always, ALWAYS fucks up his third act.
You know it's a Dean Koontz novel
When the character names make about as much sense as the plot.
Seriously, why does the av club allow non registered people to comment?
I FINALLY get it! Vin Diesel is trying to turn himself into Arnold Schwarzenegger. I expect a political bid soon. The poor bastard only wishes he had been born reptilian.
I go for American Spirit, roll-your-own.
Don't worry child, there are still many moons yet to pass before the time is yours.
I like how the scrunched up eyebrow region on the batman mask makes him look just THAT much more sexually frustrated. This is a deconstructionist thread, right?
No, really.
Now let's see…
Michael C. Hall go a little TOO into character on Mos Def, like if Daniel Day Lewis had the role.
People still play Farmville? Huh.
Yeah, it's called choosing between a douche and a turd sandwich.