

You forgot to add an, "eh!" at the end of that sentence, Donkey Lips.

Most anime utilizes white people as the model for characters anyway. Hilariously enough though, this is like the one anime that actually uses Japanese characters in it.

Take the high road, eh?
Good for you guys for not taking the obvious route and asking about her voice role on The Incredibles.

I gots the hook ups, don't you worry, bubba.
shits real

Didn't earn your doctorate in Mathematics, I see!

Mention something about firefly

What with all the funny photoshopping…
I was kinda hoping to see a map of europe, with netflix as nazi germany,spreading to other countries. Big damn arrows!

It doesn't matter what's written down, well documented, citationed, backed up by hundreds if not thousands of first hand accounts, history happened however you remember it whilst writing out a script with half of Columbia sucked into your nose with a hundred dollar bill.

Youtube that shit!

Like a rhinestone cowboy?

Not tryin to troll, but fuck-a-duck I hate that song.

That disco rendition of the star wars theme…
My life's a mess, even back then

Netflix has it…
But I needs to find a blu ray copy of it, streaming quality is still crappy, "HD" or not…

The Event!!
Best show ever that got cance— fuck, who am I even trying to kid?

i and 1, no! Of course not! Anything to keep you from waking up…

Titanic spoiler: It fucking sunk. Roll credits.

I get a real kick out of alternate-history documentaries.
Good stuff.
Didn't ever want to watch the black freighter film, mhmm

Bah, he did it himself, it was his father's wishes!
(Ixnay on the onspiracycay!)
