
I think it's 31…

Would you
like to know more?

Something awesome i'd never heard before. That'd be the best.

Viva Las Vegas, specifically.

IT ends with…
DK, motherfucka!

Are you calling Roland Emmerich A FUCKING LIAR!?

Is WAY too far away from right now.

What the fuck
is wrong with you people!? Ween's magnum opus, The Mollusk came out in '97.

Moot point, but…
It's was actually the fifth Woodstock, not the 'second sequel' but it's whatever.
There aren't any docs about Woodstock '99, and its part in the decline of western civillization, are there?

Only 4-6 years…
I was kinda hoping for something that stayed a little longer on the proverbial shelf, but that IS a whole shit load of cash sitting around, twiddling its thumbs.

Like celebrating with a 13 year old…

Is that song 'Rock 'n Roll part 2' ever so catchy!
California Dreaming, too.

can't wait…
To pirate the fuck out of this film. Take that, objectivist scum!

Great Job!
Funny caption, I won't harass you about doing subpar Cracked captions this time

I'm leaning more towards the Lindsay LohanSuperman pic

I was referencing KITH skit, actually.

O'neal can't help sounding sarcastic, he just has a speech impediment. E-verything he shays shoundsh wike he'sh being a wittle schmartass! Don't bla-ame him!

It feels like I had a children once. Nothing's here now, the sky is made of ashen gods.

No, Salvia definitely works…