Half the Autobots were killed in the first 20 minutes.
Half the Autobots were killed in the first 20 minutes.
That is a WAY better movie than people give it credit for being. The scene where Casper remembers his death is incredibly heartbreaking, because he can't remember what it was like to live without remembering what it was like to die.
But the Giant willingly sacrifices himself. FUCKING SUPERMAN ASSHOLE
The conversation about aesthetics is really important. Why does Kanye's "Runaway" video look the way it does? Why does CSI look the way it does? What use in the narrative/lack thereof do the aesthetics of pop art have anymore?
I think the T-1000 is still amazing to look at. The same with The Abyss. That water effect was one of the first things they nailed when CGI was being developed.
Imaginary friends at your age?
Part of it could very well be that Malick's films have had such an important impact on art* that his own films are starting to look like the things that look like The Thin Red Line (think of those Levi's commercials from last year with the Walt Whitman poem). Natural light and steadicam are what Malick has always used…
There's a long conversation to be had here about digital culture and the loss of a physical artistic imprint, which could be tremendously detrimental to whatever future society digs us up and can't access our vital information because it's just not there. Film historians are having giant debates right now about movies…
God, I still don't even consider Green a comedy director. Blinders are firmly on.
Sin City is a poor example, because it was made at a technological crossroads and only represents (in retrospect) the bridge to the technology we see now. That movie has aged TREMENDOUSLY poorly. And besides, it was never going for visual naturalism anyway.
I also think you're vaguely underestimating Earth (the program), which was as inventive and beautiful a documentary as I've ever seen.
Meanwhile, BBC shows edge closer and closer to not looking like video-grade crap
The obsession with cut-and-copy pictures of nature is an example of my problem with The Tree of Life. The reason Tree of Life looks like Planet Earth is because Malick stoops to an incredibly trite extreme with his image selection; those shots of waves and trees date back to Attenborough's early work and beyond. Hell,…
Jesus Ween is just Dean in a costume, right?
Castellaneta did bit-role movie cameos for years in the 90s.
If Fox cancels it, another network will pick it up. They apparently learned absolutely *nothing* from the Futurama fiasco.
"Nom de porn" just makes me think of a girl making the "om nom nom nom" sound while she goes down on a guy. Very sexy stuff.
Wait, when did Cry-Baby become a broadway show?
The Dom storyline actually has a nice payoff in this one, and without that drag of a plot point in the second game you wouldn't get the grounding for a major plot point here. Although it too is something that could have been communicated through gameplay. Confidential to those who have played the game: How cool would…
Speaking of macho posturing, what about all the leering sexism in this game? How just about every male character seems to make a passing, inappropriate remark about its female characters, but that's OK! because A) there are totally women in this game, which is like, progressive, and B) they like, stand up for…