Elitist Trash.

Funny thing about Lady Gaga is that when she came out with this ridiculous persona nothing about it was meant to be taken seriously. She had Diet Coke cans rolled up her hair in that Telephone video. But now for some reason she's taken it upon herself to be the Patron Saint of the Gays and she's totally lost all

This sucks.

Oh shit, totally forgot about Sunny Day Real Estate's Diary. Yay 1994

A+ on Smoking Popes. "Need You Around" is in my top 10-or-so favorite punk songs.

Never been a fan of Protection.

Well, obviously #8 should be the Beasties

Hate hate hate Jeff Buckley. Hate.

This is the first year I've had no argument against. Between 1992-1996, '94 is by far the best year. So many bands that hit it big in 1991 — Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains — released their best albums in 1994, and the hippity hop was the best it's ever been.

I saw the Look at me Now video on MTV in the early morning, and holy shit is that song amazing. It's good to see Busta back in action.

Neon Bible has silly trite lyrics, which is a big problem on The Suburbs too. But it's got a more coherent sound than the latter, and isn't 8 hours long.

Those statemen are fucks

Dum Dum Girls, Frankie Rose & the Outs, Japandroids, Wavves, The Drums, and Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti are good places to start. Ariel Pink is less rock and roll than the others, but still very good. And if you're really into the avant-garde thing, HEALTH is pretty nice too.

People still care about Pitchfork ratings? Boy, that takes me back…

Busy week for music/WTF 90s comeback
Meat Puppets released a pretty fine, if very different, album today and it goes unreviewed here because of space. And just for your consideration, ponder all these 80s/90s acts who have released good new music this year:

Still, Pat Smear is what made them great in the 90s, and every album without him has seen diminishing returns. And now he's back!

Frank Henenlotter is pretty fucking cool, although Bad Biology is mostly just boring. It's ridiculous in enough parts to make it worth watching — like when she's forced to use a syringe and what I assume is adrenaline to revive a two-foot intelligent mutant penis, which then fucks her — but it's nowhere near as great

There's a sequence where they go for Chinese food, and are very obviously standing in front of what is first a Vietnamese place and is then a Korean place. Then when they get inside they are never depicted as eating a single bite of food, nor is any food shown - because it is undoubtedly outside the budget - while

Hell, the doll in the original Toy Story.

Bad Biology
Creepy penis-baby walkin' 'cross the floor.

wtf @ O'Neal's high school emo haircut