We'll see what lasting chart success Arcade Fire has. So few people buy albums that it'll probably be difficult to maintain any success.
We'll see what lasting chart success Arcade Fire has. So few people buy albums that it'll probably be difficult to maintain any success.
Reetty Griboot, that's nonsense. Modest Mouse are still a great band (We Were Dead sound like indie rock c. 1996), and Float On is an unquestionably awesome song. Don't pull that "sold their soul" argument; we're not in middle school and they're not Anti-Flag.
I'm all for making Regine the Daily Show's go-to Borderline Tonedeaf French-Canadian Correspondent
I am paying well over $20 for the album on vinyl. So suck it, punks.
Your mistake was using the phrase "compared to their first two albums."
I don't get the "albums are meant to be listened to in full" argument, considering both radio and the release of singles have fragmented and shuffled our listening habits since the inception of recorded music.
Anal Cunt: the next Arcade Fire?
The billboard charts don't determine what is and isn't mainstream. The Black Keys debuted fairly high on the hot 200, and they're still a decidedly niche band.
Cleverly concocted canceraids, compadre!
It has to do with the internet connection you run. My old Time Warner Roadrunner connection streamed beautiful picture; now that I've got AT&T Pro the damn thing looks like a VHS tape.
Where the hell is The Day I Tried To Live?
But everybody does hate him, and he does love weed
I want my sequel to The Spirit, dammit
Enough with this shit, give the people what they want!
In the year that ends with a 20…
It was just a phase.
Also: "I was about to seal the deal!"
Oh, I wish I wish I hadn't killed that fish
Great episode. And a nice callback to Bender's burning desire to kill all humans.
When does Phil get his movie?
Taint of Desperation has a much better ring to it than Meat Bridge of Desperation.
The new Wavves record is great, and I don't get why AVC hasn't reviewed it. Or did I miss that?