
R. Kelly
I disliked his Southland Tales and The Box, but Trapped In the Closet is amazing (as is his terrifically awesomely dumb duet with Usher, Same Girl)!

the awesome soundtrack
The soundtrack by several members of Arcade Fire was the only thing that gave this "thriller" any suspense.. without it, scenes of it would just be ridiculous (especially the library chase scene.. I would love to see a good dubbed-over version of it with a ridiculous song.. that scene reminded

@FYEye, well, MTV is releasing it pretty soon and it actually looks like a really good set.. extremely expensive, but it IS 5 seasons and a movie at once:

the trailer to Black Dynamite is great! (it IS a throwback movie though..)

oh wow, yeah, just looked in one of the issues.. I thought it was from 1986 before.. it started in 1988 (sorry about that).. oh well, it's still my favorite

It technically fits in here, and I have to mention it every time it's applicable..
I personally would consider it to be the real start of the modern age of comics and I think it's easily one of the greatest superhero comics ever written (and my personal favorite)

compliments a post from way further up in the thread
@littlealex: nice one!

asks "Where's Firefly?!" just to get annoyed responses from other people sick of the joke

I still love it, but it sure is a lot harder to love now
-Jerry seems like an insincere jerk
-Michael Richards.. well, the incident, I know he's genuinely sorry, but I still can't wear my Kramer shirt in public without at least one person bringing it up
-the laugh track gets in the way

Why it's good: If you like awesome well-written pulp-y stories about aliens, criminals, soldiers, adventure, sci-fi, and horror, you'd probably be interested

it's on Funny Or Die and on the DVD/Blu-Ray of Funny People.. it's pretty awesome..
Aziz denies him being based on any specific comics, but yeah, he's pretty much a Dane Cook parody (with a few other bad comics thrown in)

To be honest, if it results in more music in a year from bands I like (which based on the major label-ness of the format seems unlikely), then I'm totally excited for this terribly-named new format!

Human Giant Season 2 DVD
Anyone else really want it to be released?
(I still have the episodes on iTunes, but the special features would totally be worth it, at least judging from how great all the extras were on the Season 1 set)


"Dude! Trademark it quick! Before someone else uses it!"
Was the paragraph
"Warfighter recommended,
Warfighter tested,
Warfighter approved"
really in any danger of being stolen ever? (of course, I'm only mentioning this though because I'm jealous that I didn't trademark it first)

Every Tim Burton movie
I have no idea why.. I guess just because they're always so big that I end up seeing them.. I only like maybe 1/3 of his movies. Maybe I'm just watching them out of love for Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Edward Scissorhands, and Ed Wood, I really can't explain it..

Pretty awesome week for releases, anyone know if Free Energy's album is still coming out this week though (or at all)? I can't find anything about it from like the past month.. same thing with the Sufjan Stevens album that was supposed to be out this week (as of like last October), anyone know what's up with it?

Bands I have to have everything by:
Arcade Fire
The Zombies