I found most of the performances boring, but the Billy/Ade dance was really amazing.
I found most of the performances boring, but the Billy/Ade dance was really amazing.
I liked Billy better than Robert in the Bollywood piece. His movements seemed more fluid and grateful. Of course it is possible that Roberts movements were more authentic for Bollywood.
I liked Billy better than Robert in the Bollywood piece. His movements seemed much more graceful and fluid. Not knowing much about Bollywood, I don't know if Robert's movements were actually more authentic for the dance.
I recommend starting with The Colour of Magic, which is what I did. It is still my favorite of the Discworld books. I recently tried to read Pyramids and couldn't finish it. Seemed really dull and pointless. Another way to go would be with Going Postal and Making Money. They are Discworld books, but to me seem…
I want a three wolf moon Van, man! Imagine how powerful that would make you!
From IMDB quotes from Yojimbo: