
Daniel Bryan is a vegan no more

I loved Congratulations because of its inspired weirdness.  The new one is unfortunately uninspired weirdness which means its just boring.

I don't care if it was a bomb, I watched The Man Who Knew Too Little again the other night and it was still awesome.

He seemed to get weirdly personal against Parker and Stone in most of his South Park reviews.  Many many comments about them 'not being as smart as they think they are' which is one of my least favorite criticisms from anyone.  Like PDN can tell they think they are smart but he knows they are not because he knows

Q:  Why Charlie hate Dennis?
A:  Because Dennis is a bastard man.

I don't even own a cell phone.  You can't reach me until I come home and check my answering machine.

I tried bouncing the basketball to ten but the Million Dollar Man kicked it away at nine.

Nobody likes Milhouse!

You obviously didn't pay enough attention to the bowl of oranges.

Todd's weekly attempts to find deeper meaning in all of the television shows he likes is funny.  The recaps are often longer than the actual scripts for the shows and feature musings that would be better off in his diary or in a high school newsletter.

I really like FIOE.  It is a bit bloated but has some of their best songs on it.

The new Deftones is my favorite album of the year by far.  Can't believe how little love it has gotten.

The new Deftones is my favorite album of the year by far.  Can't believe how little love it has gotten.

Male show creators/showrunners/celebrities who are hated:

Male show creators/showrunners/celebrities who are hated:

Todd Glass show rules.  I'm just talking about the Nerdist podcast itself.

Todd Glass show rules.  I'm just talking about the Nerdist podcast itself.

The Nerdist podcast is gong to need its own page as they pump out 18 shows a week.  And by pump I mean crap.

The Nerdist podcast is gong to need its own page as they pump out 18 shows a week.  And by pump I mean crap.

Its so weird to me to think people pay attention to this site.  Its great but I can't get out of the mindset that this site branched out of the paper I got for free in the 90s from crappy bars in Milwaukee and features writers who could very well be my neighbor.  hearing AV Club get name dropped more and more every